4.0 - The Lunch Date - Part I

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They were finally feeling it. After nights and days of chats and calls between Alicia and Jignesh, they finally decide to know more about each other. They finally decide to meet up for a second date.

This time it was different from the first date. This time they had grown more affectionate to each other. The time they spend talking with each other, made them come close to each other.

Alicia had been in a scenario like this before so it was nothing fascinating for her. But for Jignesh, it was all new. He was getting affectionate to the girl much faster than usual. In fact this time he thought of giving a gift to her as he wanted to start his date with the girl with a positive note. He had many options in mind, but all he could settle for was the only one thing that Alicia had her eyes and heart on.

Alicia had started giving attention to Jignesh. All this for Jignesh was new, so thoughts started circling the mind. Thoughts such as... I think Alicia like's me? Should I propose her or should I take things slowly? Should I let her propose me? And the flow of thoughts went on and on.

Finally the day for the second date arrives. Jignesh was nervous as well as confident. Nervous for the thought of showing the love that had built up in his mind for Alicia and confident because he was going to great Alicia with a gift, symbolizing his love for her.

Alicia on the other hand was just happy and curious to know Jignesh more and more. Alicia was feeling the attraction towards Jignesh, but for her this attraction was because of getting to know him more and more. Alicia was taking more time deciding what to wear and how to get herself ready for this second date.

Finally afters days from the first date for coffee, they meet on the second date for lunch.

The place that Jignesh decided for lunch was a landmark in itself.

It was a sea facing restaurant with a pleasant view of the beach. The air of from the beach-side made the ambiance more beautiful. There were two parts in the restaurant, one they called 'The Deck' which was sea facing and the tables were kept in such a position and height from where you can see the whole beach and enjoy the breeze. The other part was just at a floor above the deck, it was called 'The Captain's Chamber'. Now you might be thinking what would be more beautiful than the Deck to have lunch. The Captain's Chamber was a beauty in its own. The Chamber gave a 360 degree view, a view consisting of the beach as well as the whole resident's area. The Chamber was made up of pure transparent thick glass. It had a big rotating Dish at the bottom i.e. the floor used to rotate in a circular motion. Addition to all this it was centrally air conditioned with an orchestra playing soft music.

It was just like having food in paradise.

Soon it came to the time for the second date. The day they were waiting for.

Jignesh arrived at the restaurant at the meeting time and he was waiting for Alicia. After some time Alicia also arrived at the venue.

They were both casually well dressed with the color of their own choices which they felt made them look good and gave a good look to their personality.

Alicia was dressed in a red colored top that had cute cartoon images drawn all over it and a blue skinny jeans that made her look adorable and cute.

On the other hand Jignesh wore a yellow t-shirt on top of which he wore a brown jacket with brown trousers and brown semi formal shoes. He had shades put on that made him look somewhat trendy and also gave the best of his personality.

So finally they both arrived at the restaurant. It was mid-afternoon and the breeze was quite hot, so they decided to book a table for themselves at the captain's chamber.

The place was knew for both Alicia and Jignesh. They were fascinated by the ambiance and the aura of that place.

Jignesh had many thought running in mind about giving the gift that he had bought for Alicia. But after a little though process he left the gift as a surprise for Alicia for the later part of the lunch. what was in the gift that Jignesh was so much excited about to give her? Will Jignesh propose Alicia during or after the date? Will Alicia make a move towards Jignesh?

This date was not a date that usually happens between friends. It was a date that happened between two people that had grown affectionate to each other. Jignesh and Alicia shared each and every thing about their past life. Will things change for them after this date?, will they take their friendship to the next level?. Keeping reading.


NOTE : The lunch date is sub divided into 3 parts.

Next part will be published soon.


Lost loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora