Friends and Cousin Crona

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Opening my eyes I find myself laying in a bed on my back. Eyes appear of me.

"Are you okay Mei?" Maka asks me.

I hold my head "I think so, my head really hurts. Something just took over me then"

It was really weird, just this power of rage and my head signals have never spoke to me for that long before. And they were warning me about that pink haired guy. I wonder who he was.

"It's okay Crona she is fine, see" Maka says placing a hand on that pink haired guys shoulder.

Crona. Crona. Crona!

"Are you Crona Medusa's son?!" I blurted out. They all look at me in surprise, I'm even surprised with myself.

"How did you-" Maka starts before Sid opens the door of the room.

"Sorry to disturb but Mei is being called by Lord Death immediately"

Was I in trouble? Am I going to be kicked out of DWMA?

Standing up I don't look at anyone as I follow Sid out of the room. Maybe they will all find me suspicious now. I knew it would be hard trying to make friends, being bad my whole life and now being good is a big change for me.

Standing in front of Lord Death I see a guy beside him with blonde hair and he had death earphones in his ears. Spirit was all the other side of Lord Death.

Sid disappeared so I was now standing on my own.

"Great to see you again Mei" Lord Death says to me "I have been informed on what happened earlier today"

I gulp slightly.

"Would you like to tell us exactly what happened from your perspective?" Lord Death asks.

"W-Well... I was having a fight against Black Star. I defeated him" I say

"Because of your head signals" the boy with the earphones says to me.

He can hear me through his earphones?

"This is Justin Law, we will tell you about him later, so continue" Spirit says

"Then..." I stop myself. Should I tell them about Witch Shika? Should I tell them about the necklace? "...My head started to hurt and I must of passed out"

"I see" Lord Death says

I stand there in silence as I think about Crona. I wonder if he truly is my cousin or it is a coincident. Pretty sure it is not a coincident.

"You can go now" Lord Death says.

I bow my head before leaving the room.

Blinking I see everyone from before. Maka, Soul, Kid, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, Black Star and Crona. I, pretty sure that is their correct names.

"Hey Mei, we are going to play basketball wanna play?" Black Star asks spinning a basketball on his index finger

"You guys want me to play?" I ask. Surely they must know already that I have head signals which tell me everything and everything.

"That's right, we can't let a friend be on her own" Liz tells me.


"That's right you are our friend now" Kid tells me

They all give me smiles, even Crona is trying to smile. I smile back brightly "I'll love to play"

I managed to beat Black Star 5 times before staying I won't play anymore because it is unfair. I watch everyone play as I sit beside Crona who is watching as well.

I think this is my opportunity.

"Hey Crona" I say turning to face him.

He looks over to me and asks "Y-Yes?"

I look around quickly before budging up to me and leaning close to him and whispering "You are Medusa's son right?"

He gives me a quick nod.

I a big smile and point at myself "I'm your cousin. You see Medusa has a sister called Shika, she is my adoptive mother"

"I see, uh, I'm not sure how to deal with this" He says rocking side to side nervously.

"You don't need to. We are family" I say and budge away slightly "If you need help just come to me"

We sit there oversight the game once again, Black Star and Kid are fighting about who turn it is to have the ball.

"Crona can I ask another question?" I ask "Since we are sort of family"

He nods once again.

I pull out the necklace which magically appeared when I was fighting Black Star.

"Do you think this has any meaning?"

He examines it for a while before saying "That is Kishin Asura's eye pattern"

Kishin Asura?

Who's that?

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