FIGHT! With Black Star?!

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Walking down the corridor I kept to myself as I look around. People start to cram and study everywhere in the building.

Going outside of the academy I see the sun in the sky smiling wearing a pair of black shades.

"Oi you!"

I turn around seeing a short boy with blue hair, wearing a black outfit and there beside him stood a tall girl wearing a long white dress and she has her long black hair put up into a high ponytail.

I look around and see I'm the only one here apart from them so I guess he must be talking to me.

"My name is Black Star and I declare a war! I shall show Stein I can be strong enough to defeat, one I defeat you everyone will bow down to me! Ha ha ha!"

The girl besides him fakes laugh "Ur Black Star maybe you should leave her alone for a while, after all she is new and probably is tired"

"Don't worry about her Tsubaki! I will show you too so just stand back and watch me!" Black yells looking at me.

My head signals start shaking inside my head getting prepared to fight. If I think about this this person wanted to fight Frankenstein earlier.

Black Star runs at me roaring.

He's going to swing at the right, move to the left Mei. My head signals start talking to me. I move to the left quickly so Black Star doesn't hit me.

"Black Star please be reasonable!" Tsubaki says.

"Not until I at least manage to hit her" Black Star says taking another swing.

Ducking downwards I move myself into a crouch. I slide my leg against his knocking him over so his back hits the floor hard.

Nice going Mei, I think to myself smiling slightly.

But Black Star jumps right up quickly swinging a fist at me. I catch his fist quickly. Some darkness fills my eyes making me squeeze tighter on Black Star's fist.

I flip Black Star onto the ground onto his back. A necklace appears around my neck, a necklace that I have never seen before. It was a eye.

"Dude you just got beaten by a girl" A boy with white hair says looking down to Black Star.

"Shut it Soul" Black Star says saying on the floor.

"I have to say that was pretty awesome" A girl with pigtails stand beside me. I quickly tuck the necklace into my shirt and turn to her and give her a thank you nod.

A girl starts to laugh at Black Star while a girl who looks just like her but only taller looks at her nails.

A boy appears beside Soul completely symmetrical apart from his hair.


Huh? Who is speaking to me? Ah! It's my head signals.


~Mei escape~

My forehead creases as I feel a big amount of pain.

~He is here!~

-Who? Who is here?- I ask.

~The boy with the pink hair!~

Look around I see a boy with pink hair shaking slightly.

I grip my head tightly as the pain increases. I crouch to the floor.



"A-Are you okay?" The girl with pigtails crouches besides me placing a hand on my back.

~Mei~ ~Escape~

"Go away!" I scream gripping tighter.


Symmetrical Love {OC x Death the Kid} [Soul Eater] { ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE }Where stories live. Discover now