Running Away

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I walk quietly behind Eruka and Free my head bowed down hiding my face, my hands dangled at my side.

"Oi...hurry up, Witch Shika will be really mad if we're late" Eruka turned to me, her grey hair swishing with her head, her mouth pulled back into a straight line.

I look up to her giving her one of my glares which gives her a warning to back off a little.

She was a little taken back.

"Hey, watch it Eruka, Mei is half demon you know, she can easily rip you in half" Free looks at Eruka giving her a warning.

Eruka huge Free's arm tightly "I don't want that to happen"

"I wouldn't do that..." I mumble.

Sometimes I wonder whether I should turn to the good side. We steal innocent monster's souls...the reason why I hate it so much is because I am a monster as well.

We enter a hidden house where Witch Shika lives. Witch Shika is the person we work for. She makes us collect loads of souls a day because she cannot leave her house without eating a certain amount, it was a curse sit on her.

We walk down the corridor. Entering the so called 'throne room' we walked up to Witch Shika who is sitting in the red chair.

We all bow our bodies before her and say in unison "We're back Witch Shika"

Just like her name 'Shika' which means 'deer' she is a deer Witch, very powerful and strong and her deceased sisters Witch Arachne and Witch Medusa were witches with different animals.

"Welcome home" Witch Shika welcomes us.

Witch Shika has long curly brown hair and red demon-like eyes like mine. She wears a bright pink dress and black high heels which make her stand out.

She always calls me her daughter, she found me in the middle of no where and she said she knew instantly I was part demon, she took me in and raised me up...apparently I have a cousin called Crona but I have never met him.

"Did you get what I asked?" Witch Shika raises an eyebrow.

"Yes!" Eruka smiled and walked over to Witch Shika.

Eruka stands in front of her opening the bag which was over Eruka's shoulder, Eruka revealed 10 souls inside the bag.

"I am guessing Mei collected most of these?" Witch Shika raises an eyebrow at Free.

Free rubs the back of his neck looking way from Witch Shika.


I look over to Witch Shika and she beckons me over to her.

Standing beside her she wraps her arm around me giving me one of her creepy smiles which freaks me out.

She shows me one of the souls I collected in the palm of her hand in front of my face like she is teasing me.

"Take it Mei" She says "You truly deserve it"

Taking the soul from her palm I swallow it whole before she can take it away.

"Now, I would like you to go and collect me souls, I need to get out of this place, and my daughter, Mei, needs 79 more souls and one Witch soul before she can turn into a full fledged demon" Witch Shika folds her arms "And you have to hurry it up!"

We rushed out of the room.

I remember before we had someone called Bloom, she was only a few years younger than me, but, she failed all requests from Witch Shika, ...Witch Shika killed her.

We go into the village, I use my head signals to find more souls but my signals couldn't find anything.

I walk more to find I have quite a distance from Eruka and Free.

Cutting off my signals I look around. This is my chance, my one and only chance to get away and change.

Turning myself around I start running as fast as I can.

My head signals tell me that Eruka and Free have already noticed I'm gone. I run faster.

Reaching a building I see a sign saying 'DWMA'.

Running to the door I open it and shut it behind me quickly.

I'm suddenly teleported to a room with bright blue skies and white clouds. In the room was a tall mirror and a person wearing black, with a death mask...

This is...Lord Death?!

Symmetrical Love {OC x Death the Kid} [Soul Eater] { ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE }Where stories live. Discover now