Not So Tough Now

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"Can't believe your boss let you off." Dallas said as we shared a drink.

I couldn't get to her club on its opening weekend with Becca and Seth, but I had finally convinced Morgan to let me come check it out for a bit much to his displeasure.

"Oh believe me, I still have to be in at 1 until closing." I roll my eyes at the thought and she laughed.

"Bummer. You're going to miss my show then." She said and my drink froze midway to my mouth.

"You're getting up on the stage?"

"Yeah, I mean why not live a little you know? Plus, I've seen you dance and you seem like you have a good time up there." She replied, said something to one of the passing waiters then turned back to me.

"Yeah, it's really fun as long as your thighs are protected. That pole is harder than it looks." I laugh thinking back on when I first started out and how sore my thighs used to get.

"Oh yeah I've been taking some classes in my spare time so I know exactly what you mean." She said picking up her freshly refilled glass.

"Since when have you taken classes?.... And why am I just now finding out about this?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well my brothers didn't like the latest stunt I pulled so they benched me and told me to find something more productive to do with my life." She rolled her eyes in annoyance but smiled.

"Enough with me though. What about you? I heard Richie is around again and after doing the books I see you bought another house." The look on her face was devious and I smirked.

"Business." I said using her line and we both looked at each other before bursting out laughing.

"Sooo good then?" She questioned.

"Very good. Well except for this one guy." I started as I thought about said guy that was both infuriating yet intoxicating.

The look on her face was one that said that I needed to explain and we were going to have a very nice talk about it even if I didn't want to.

I got a refill before telling her about Armani though not mentioning his name in case she knew him.

"Holy shit. Holy fucking shit! You were the one that pissed in his cereal!?" Dallas was doubled over in laughter and I wasn't sure if the amount of alcohol she had consumed had anything to do with it or if it was because it was something I needed to know about this guy.

"Um. What?" I was completely confused at the severity of her outburst and she started to reply between fits of laughter but someone came and pulled her away talking about a minute in an urgent tone.

"Stay as long as you want and have fun! We'll talk about Armani later!" She laughed and I held up my glass in her direction with a smile.

Not long after her disappearing did I find myself standing alone as I finished my drink. I then decided to bless the crowd with my moves as I danced a bit then squinted as I saw the triplets walk through the crowd followed by a small group of other guys.

I know Dallas was flirting a bit with them every now and then, but the way she said things seemed right now; I didn't think she knew nor wanted them here. They made themselves comfortable in the VIP section and the defensive part of me wanted to go rip them a new one, but Morgan chose that time to insist that even though I was an asset, he would still fire my ass if I didn't get in.

I groaned, glared at the triplets from across the room, then sent a quick message to Dallas:

"Your boys are here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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