Fingers and Toes

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JainaDurron7- Leia gets a taste of motherhood and maternal instincts while going through her first pregnancy. Yes, I already know I have uncanny obsession with pregnant Leia stories. No need to tell me twice.


Month 0

The moment when Leia looks into her husband's eyes and they realize that they both finally agree, she is filled with an incomprehensible joy and it bursts out of her in screeches and jumping. Han laughs at her, catching her in his arms while he waits for her to settle down. Finally, she calms herself and looks to him for the verbal confirmation. He gives her his best trademark lopsided grin and nods, whispering in her ear, "Ready to make a baby?"

Month 1

  It's four in the morning when Leia gets up to go to the refresher. Though she and Han had agreed they would wait until morning to check together, Leia can't wait that long. Her hands frantically search the cabinet under the sink and she makes a mess in her search until she finally finds the box of pregnancy tests. Quickly, with nimble fingers, she gets to work on pulling out one of the sticks, but, her hands shaking with nervousness, she drops it. She falls back to her knees to grab it and works feverishly to pull the test out of its plastic packaging wrap. She finally manages to get it out and doesn't even bother to shut the refresher door while she takes the test.
  The instructions said to wait a minute, so she lays it on a paper towel on the counter and sits on the floor, her back against the cabinet. She cries because she's so nervous. She's never wanted anything so badly before and she wants this to happen. And soon.
  So caught up in her fears and panic, it's already been two minutes when she thinks about the test again. Wanting to kick herself, Leia jumps and seizes the test from the counter. She looks at the test's tiny screen, then to Han who stands in the doorway, bracing himself there, his hands resting against the door frame. He looks to her with hope in his eyes, waiting for an answer. Leia releases a shaky breath and gives a small nod, her mind hardly believing it. Han's shoulders drop and he continues to stare at her, afraid he misinterpreted Leia's small movement. But she shows him the test and slowly breaks into a grin, tears falling down her face. Han looks back to her, the test's small plus sign forever burned into his memory. Leia drops her arm and Han immediately grabs her, spinning with her and joining her in laughing and crying in pure, elated joy.

Month 2

  The morning sickness doesn't bother Leia as much as she'd once thought it would. Sure, it's not the most fun thing to deal with, but it's a sign. It's a reassurance that her and Han's child is beginning to grow somewhere within her womb and that is enough to overcome the annoyance of her constant vomiting. To help her even more, Han hurries over to the kitchen sink, his breakfast forgotten while he stands there, holding back his wife's hair and stays with her while she throws up. She manages a pale-lipped smile for him and he smiles back. "We're going to have a baby," she tells him.
  "Yeah, we are."
  Leia takes a breath, then leans back over the sink to further empty her stomach.

Month 3

"Listen to this," Leia smiles, pushing the play button on the small device again. She lies back, her feet in Han's lap while they listen. The recording starts and a weird sound starts to play. A rather fast yet rhythmic pulse sounds over the recording. Han's brow creases with worry, but Leia is quick to reassure him. "The doctor said the heartbeat will start to slow down within the next few weeks. Apparently, it's normal for the heartbeat to start out fast." She pauses, just listening for a while. Then, she smiles again, taking Han's hand to squeeze it. "Doesn't that just sound beautiful?" For Leia, it's the most beautiful she's heard; she finds herself almost in tears as she listens to the recording of her baby's heart beating with life.
  Han nods, squeezing her hand back. "Yeah. Yeah, it really does."

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