The Good Kind of Nervous

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A.N.: This scene is kind of playing with the idea of how advanced things are in the Star Wars galaxy even if it is a long time ago. The book Millennium Falcon gives us a little insight into how advanced with a med-center that specializes in keeping humans and other species living as long as hutts and wookiees. Here's something I hope possible in this galaxy for the sake of my poor ship. I understand it's possible in our galaxy, just hoping it's possible for them, too!


  "It's different," Jaina sputtered over again. "You know it is. Mom knows, Dad knows. Hutt slime! Tenel Ka knows. It would just be rude to say it out loud or around Allana. This is different and we're all excited. I mean, really excited!"

  Tahiri drew in a shaky, but measured breath, letting it out slowly. She moved her hands down the front of her plain hospital gown to wipe off the sweat and repeated the process. Breathe, wipe, breathe, wipe. Glance at Jaina! Breathe, wipe, breathe, wipe. "I know it's different," she agreed, wiping off her hands for the thirteenth time this minute. "I get it. Although, I don't think that's what scares me most."

  "Of course not. Why would it? I'm sorry, Tahiri. I'm trying to calm down, I really am, but . . . I'm sorry. I'm probably making this worse. Are you okay?"
  Tahiri licked her lips to moisten them, brought up her head to look at Jaina and nodded. "Of course. I'm just . . . nervous." In proof, she gave a genuinely nervous laugh and continued, "Never been nearly this nervous before."

  The door to the med-room creaked open and Leia peeked in, offering a soft smile to her daughter in-law. "Hey," she said, entering. "How are you feeling?"
  "Nervous. Nervous. Not much of anything else. And you?"

  Leia cracked an empathetic smile and she came forward to envelop Tahiri in a hug. "Master Cilghal said everything looks well and that it shouldn't be too soon before . . . we find out if it worked." Leia took a seat beside her daughter.
  "How are you so calm?" Tahiri asked her. "Even Jaina can't stop talking out of nervousness and she's making me anxious."
  "This is how Mom works," Jaina explained. "The calmer she is, the more nervous or afraid she is. I wish I could do that right now."

  "So, you're just as nervous as me?"
  Leia responded back with her own nervous laugh and she nodded, laying her palms flat on her knees. "Tahiri, I haven't been this nervous in a long time. I think the last time I was this nervous was when . . . when Anakin was born." Leia quickly shook her head and asked her, "Are you feeling alright?"

  Jaina doubled over with hysteric laughter and she pointed to her mother. "She slipped! See, we're all so nervous we should probably leave eachother alone until the results come back. Mom, we were just talking about how, saying  if this really does work, it would feel like it was the first time for this to happen to us. Your first grandchild, I mean. It feels completely different, this whole planning on it thing instead of . . . you know. Finding out about Allana when she's five."
  Leia could only roll her eyes before she turned back to Tahiri and told her, "It might be a while before it even happens if it does," Leia warned Tahiri, giving her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "We just have to wait and see."

  "Right," Tahiri agreed. Her gaze moved to the desk standing against the side wall, a small, gray canister sealed shut sitting atop the desk. The canister was filled with sperm. Anakin's. Taking another shuddering breath, Tahiri laid her hand flat against her stomach. She fought the tears threatening to pour down her face, but lost. They raced down her face and burned behind her eyes as they came in abundant supply.
  Tahiri had been considering this for almost a year now. Once a new Chief of State had come to power and pardoned Tahiri's crimes, the Solo family had eagerly welcomed her back, letting her stay with them in their place on Corellia. Not long after, Han and Leia had discussed her "marrying" Anakin however symbolically and now she was considered his widower. That choice alone had happened quick enough. She harbored no doubts about it now; this next step to carrying a child that was Anakin's as well. Although, it was already enough of a shock having the procedure done and waiting to get results back.

  Now that it was official and they had tried for the first time to get her pregnant with Anakin's sperm, Tahiri wasn't she she would trust the first test she took to check. So, beside the canister sat two of the three tests Tahiri would take after the two hours Cilghal had suggested to wait. One was a hunky monitor screen that would be used to find a fetus in Tahiri's womb. The other was a simple stick test, the one Tahiri knew she would trust the least. The third would be her own instincts, the Force flowing through her as she would use it to sense a smaller life presence within her. That one, she knew deep in her heart, she would use everyday. If this worked.
  Her panic returned and Leia must have sensed it because she was quick to wrap Tahiri in a hug and stroke her hair back. "It's going to be okay. Cilghal's doing everything she can-"
  "I know, but that's not going to stop me from being nervous about it. And if it does work? I'm trying to imagine being a mom, raising a child, Anakin's child. I'm scared, Mom. I'm so terrified."
  "Welcome to parenthood. It doesn't start when you're first holding that precious newborn, but the moment you plan on holding one. It's terrifying, I know, but you'll survive. I know you will. And I'll always be here. And Han and Luke and Mirax and Corran and anyone you need to talk to. We're all here for you, sweetie. Even Anakin."

  "I know," Tahiri managed, clinging tightly to Leia. "And I'm thankful for that. I just still can't ima-"

  "What? What is it, Tahiri?"
  Her tears stopped and her gaze remained fixed on the floor, but Leia sensed that her attention was elsewhere. Both hands on her stomach now, a smile began to creep onto her lips and she looked past Leia to Jaina. And nodded.

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