Quirks and All

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  Han Solo considered himself a very lucky man. He had more than he'd ever dreamed of having including a nice home, loyal friends . . . and a beautiful wife. Yes, she was the most beautiful person Han had ever laid eyes on. Especially now, Han didn't think she could be any more beautiful. Of course, Leia didn't believe him when he told her that. She thought he was trying to make her feel better, but he really meant it. He meant it more than he ever had. Even with the nine and a half month baby bump she was currently sporting and the swollen feet and the aching breasts,  she was gorgeous. Han wondered if it was the fact that she was carrying his child that made her even more irresistible, but he knew he loved her either way. But it truly was amazing. Every morning when Han woke up next to her in bed and he put his hands on her belly and kissed it, he marveled at the fact that they were going to be parents, that they, together, had created life and it wouldn't be long before they got to meet that new life.
  Leia was not one to feel insecure about herself. She never had, but, perhaps, it had been the rush of new hormones flooding her system that had caught her off-guard and lowered her shields and fogged her brain because Han thought no less of her now that she was pregnant, but she seemed . . . wary of her own image.

  Now having suffered every symptom of pregnancy that there was, Leia was feasting ferociously on a super-sized meal of Alderaanian stew from a restaurant. Though it was a bit more pricier than the menu's other items, Han had happily ordered it for her just to make her happy. In addition to the stew, Han had ordered for her, as requested, a piece of spiceloaf and smoked nerf. Her fingers covered with grease and the nerf's thick, spicy sauce, she hungrily finished the steak. Swallowing the last bite, she wiped her fingers on her bread roll and ate it. Han chuckled.
  "What?" Leia asked, licking her lip and wiping her hands on her napkin.
  Han just shook his head.
  "No. Tell me why you just laughed. Were you laughing at me?"

  "Sweetheart," he reached over across the table to take her napkin from her hands and wipe at the corners of her mouth and cheeks. "I'm not really laughing at you. I was just laughing because I thought you looked very cute eating like a gamorrean."
  Leia frowned, taking back the napkin and folding it over to wipe her fingers. "Eating like a gamorrean is not cute."
  "It is when you eat like a gamorrean."

  "No, it's not."
  "Yes, it is. It was that and I think it's cute when you wipe your sauce off on a roll and eat it."


  "Princes, I'm not making fun of you."
  Leia sighed, sitting back and putting her hands on her stomach, caressing her belly.
  "Leia," Han said her name in a low voice, leaning towards her. "Listen to me. I'm not making fun of you. I genuinely thought that it looked adorable. I love you, quirks and all, Princess."

  Leia turned her gaze up to look at him. "Quirks and all?"

  "Quirks and all," Han nodded, laying one hand over Leia's and leaning down to kiss her stomach. "Stretch marks and all, swollen feet and all, pregnancy habits and all. I love you, sweetheart. You are still the most gorgeous woman ever and I love you with all my heart."
  Leia's lips turned up in a smile and she stretched her neck to kiss Han. "You better love me as much, Solo. I'm carrying your child."
  "I know and I love you even more just for that."

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