Chapter 14: A White Lily

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"Are you seeing this, Mylo?" Noble whispered and gripped the gray slightly tighter.

"This is horrible." Mylo commented, "When I came to check on the village, they weren't there. None of them are supposed to be here. Why?" Mylo continued to mutter to himself with curses and rants. Noble would do the same, but he was too busy debating the overwhelming sense of wanting to do something about this.

Noble wanted to save the one place he ever knew.

"We need to save them, everyone, Mylo." Noble gritted his teeth, "We have to do something about this."

"Do you think I don't know that?" Mylo huffed, "I see it as you jump in there, and I could easily get them to safety while you distract them. Simple plan."

"There's a chance of others we don't know about spotting us, you know." Noble pointed out, and Raja huffed out a breath of cold air, "Then again, I doubt we can just sneak them out with the mages that close to them either."

"Exactly, my point, dumbo."

"Oh shush it," Noble muttered with a small smile.

Mylo disappeared out of thin air shortly after. Noble felt something grew inside him, nervousness but confidence at the same time. He had never felt confident with himself ever, and it was an enjoyable feeling to rejoice in. The determination stacked on top of it made Noble feel like he could conquer anything he pleased. With Raja by his side, the world was theirs and theirs alone.

"You ready, Raja?"

He huffed back in response.

"Here we go."

With a deep breath intake, Raja stepped forward, now in plain sight of the few men holding the elders captive. With a hiss, the three mages turned their heads to see what a menacing sight. A man, worthy of calling a commander of an army, riding on top of a very large lion, easy to recognize as one of Meridth's "Guardians" in the textbooks. With Raja's cold stare and Noble's new and intimidating appearance, both elders and mages shivered in fear, not recognizing Noble himself until it hit the mages like a slab of bricks.

"Oh my Luna, It's him!"

"It's the tamer! Someone call the Circle Master to help!" One of them dropped the chains, letting loose Elder Felix and Della, but not completely free of their chain cuffs. He darted in a full out sprint, heading inward, deeper into the village to retrieve this master of his.

Raja felt Noble's hand run along some strip of his back, silently communicating with the lion without words. Raja received his message quite clearly, and he made a full run towards the two mages. The both of them reacted quickly and lifted their staffs to create a field around them to protect them. However, it would not be enough to stop the full force of the Fallen Tamer as he crushed right through their pathetic excuse for protection. Giant claws ripped apart armor, and the two mages were soon defenseless with nothing but their broken staffs said to be indestructible and armor promised to protect from power creatures like himself.

"Oh my Luna, please save us." Elder Della kept chanting as Elder Felix tried to comfort her with the best of his abilities. The tiredness, however, couldn't be helped as he sunk in his position, waiting for the swift death of the legendary lion. Unaware that Mylo was working his own magic to free them from their magic-bound cuffs, the two elders stared down in shame.

It came to a realization to Noble that Raja was strong. With little to no effort, he was able to rip apart armor in a matter of seconds. Only a few dragons could do such a thing that quick. Confused to be scared of what Raja could do or proud of his incredible gain, Noble could only rub his mane in praise, earning a low purr deep in his throat. The moment was cut short when a good ten mages entered the scene with a mage with more armor, presumably the "Circle Master".

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