Chapter 7: Cutest Little Things

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They all entered the house. It was pitch dark. They couldnt see anything but could sense certain movements.
"Aaron please switch on the lights", Steve told him.
As soon as Aaron tried, there was no change in the darkness. He tried twice thrice yet no change. He came back to the rest of the Clarkes. Suddenly they saw a golden lining of lights that shined the entire staircase. It was dark otherwise. All they could see was the wooden staircase lit up with the wires of golden hue and filled with huge carpets of red velvet.
"Mind blowing ", Alexandria exclaimed looking at the beauty her house was shining in.
They heard an audio clip on the speaker. It began like this :
"My dearest Aaron. The day I met you I fell for your heart. Its purity that glittered the most apart from the others. I saved your life as I wanted to be a part of it. You make my world a better place. Congratulations my love, have a wonderful evening . Sorry I couldnt make it today."
The voice stopped and there was a slideshow at the top of the staircase.
"Its you Aaron", Alexandria screamt.
"Oh yes! Thats me. But how did she get my childhood pics." , he wondered.
"She ?", Ammelia asked.
"Susan mom . Thats her voice on the audioclip. That means she has done this presentation.", he said.
It was a presentation which showed Aaron's photos right from his first day till his graduation.
All of a sudden they heard another audio clip.
"You seem to be quite shocked. Yes it is shocking how I sneaked in to get your pictures. But my dear you are so special to me so I had to make this way more special. There is lots to come this way."
The clock struck 6 and it was almost getting dark outside. The fountain at the mansion poured waters of rainbow. The sky sent the reflection of the stars with the moonlight. The whole lawn was decorated with chinese lanterns.
"Mom , its all so beautiful",Aaron said.
"Yes indeed it is" , she said.
The clarkes were just a few steps away from the doorstep. When just within fraction of a second the lights were gone and the hall was pitch dark again.
Slowly the candles onthe dining area lit up and there was a cake which said "Congratulations Aaron."
"This is so awsome mom ", Alexandria said.
"This is extravagant", Mr. Clarke said.
There was a note there which said, ' MAKE A WISH AARON'
"My wish is to see you tonight Susan"
And next moment he blew the candles away.
A huge amount of guests cheered.
The moment he turned he saw the whole hall filled with guests but surprisingly all had their faces covered with masks. It was a theme celebration altogether. The men were in their suits and the ladies were in their beautiful dresses and gowns.
" congratulations bro.", Sean came running towards Aaron and hugged him.
" Ladies and gentlemen.... Tonight is the night for the celebration of my elder brother Aaron's graduation. Give him a round of applause...", Sean started off.
The party began with a yule ball music for the youngsters to enjoy. Aaron was just feeling too low as he missed Susan.
"Hey brother put this on", Sean handed over the mask to Aaron.
"Sean could you please leave me alone?"
"What is it bro? Everything alright?."
"Im just not in the mood. Could you please excuse me?", he said leaving the hall area and went to have a drink.
When Aaron was at the table a girl dressed in peach shade gown came walking towards him.
"Can I share a drink?" Her soft voice said.
"Excuse me who are you?", he asked.
"Thats not important. Why are you so upset on the day of your celebration?", she asked.
"Forget it just leave me alone." , he said firmly.
"Lets dance. It will cheer you up", she said.
"No thankyou. I dont dance", he responded.
"Oh! I thought you really dance well", she smirked.
"Well I do dance but not with all", he said.
"Oh! My bad then."she said in a sad tone.
"Ok then you can carry on", he said.
"Cant I convince you even once Mr. Clarke?", she asked.
"Dont you see Im not interested?", he said furiously.
"Take my hand", she extended her hand out. His eyes just caught attention on the left hand ring finger. It was the similar sapphire ring which he gave Susan the previous night.
"This ring? Where did you get it from?", he said grabbing her hand.
"Who are you? Tell me now",he ordered.
"Im the woman you wished to see this night.", she said taking off her mask.
"Susan....", his eyes gleamed on seeing her. He hugged her and his eyes immediately filled with tears.
"Congratulations my dearest Aaron ", she wished him kissing his forehead. "Im so so proud of you. Sorry I couldnt come for the convocation." She apologized.
"No Susan. Dont be sorry. I know you have been busy here making these preparations for this eve. Thankyou so much", he said.
"Hey you birdies. Could you join us for a moment?" , Alyssa said.
"What is it Aly? ", susan asked.
"Accompany me to the Lawn please."
"Guys! Its time to let the chinese lanterns fulfill your wishes. Take a step forward and make your wish." , Sean said.
Aaron and Susan decided to take one lantern and whispered about their wish
"I wish to be the reason behind your smile Susan."
"I wish to be your strength forever and always Aaron."
They left the lantern and up it rose to be disappeared into the sky within minutes.
They interwined their fingers and Aaron planted a small swift peck on Susan's lips.
He bent down and whispered to her, " I love you lifeline."
These words bought tears to Susan.
"Oh no baby. Please dont. We deserve more happy moments together and I mean it Susan. You have saved my life and it totally depends on you now."
"I know I trust you Aaron", she said and they both hugged each other.
After a few moments there was a message on Susan's phone. It was from an unsaved number.
"You look stunning. Besides the beauty shines in your eyes. Your secret admirer."
"Who is it?"Aaron asked.
"No idea, its an unknown number", she said.
She was horrified at the text.

So here is the end of chapter 7

Wasnt it a cute surprise from Susan?

If you felt so then do comment or vote for my work

Your appreciation is my motivation

Whose messaging Susan?

Who is this secret admirer?

Is he around them?

Get to know in the further chapters.....

Till then,
Happy reading,
Above is a picture of the dining candles and the chinese lanterns

Silentobserver 2020😘❤️

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