Chapter 4: Swimming Pool pt.1

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The weekend
Sydnie's POV
"Hey Madds and Kat you wanna go swimming?"I say while we are in Maddy's house on our phones "YASS" maddy says and she starts frowning "look at this swim suit" maddy says and I look at it and it is very revealing "um...well at least you have a swim suit" I say smiling "yeah but-" maddy says something but ksthryn interrupts  her "shut up...I'll be back with my swim suit"Kathryn says and runs to her house "me too see Ya in like 5 mins" I say and run to my house.
Maddy's POV
'Ugh...I hate this stupid swim suit' I say and I put on the swim suit surprisingly it fits well...I look in the mirror and I frown 'ugh let me grab a shirt or something to put over this' i dig through my drawers and I find a white shirt.
Kathryn's POV
I find my swim suit and I grab some shoes and run back to Maddy's house with sydnie right behind me.
Sydnie's POV
"I'm going to invite the guys is that ok" I say and maddy nods and Kathryn smiles "yup" Kathryn says and I call phil,Mark and dan they all said they would come
"They said they are coming"I say and maddy frowns.
At the pool
We get to the pool and I see phil and I run to him "hey phil where Dan and Mark " I say smiling "they are getting their swim trunks on" phil says smiling "kk" I say.
Phil's POV
'Why does maddy look so sad' I walk to maddy and I smile and she looks to the floor "hey what's up" I ask "I hate this swim suit it's too revealing" she says and she starts to tear up "hey it can't be that bad" I say and she looks at the floor "really look" she says and takes the shirt off and I see her swim suit and all the guys at the pool look at her and cat whistles she runs to the girls bathroom and Kathryn runs after her.
Dan's POV
I leave the guys bathroom and hear sobbing in the girls bathroom so I walk in 'oh god what am I doing' I walk closer and see maddy on the floor crying and Kathryn next to her "hey are you ok" I say and Kathryn glares at me "what are you doing in the girls bathroom you perv" she says "because I heard crying"I say and maddy stands up and runs to me and hugs me "please protect me from those guys outside" maddy says in my chest "ok but why" I ask and she steps back and takes the shirt off "this is why"she says and I just stare and mumble under my breath "damn" I mumble then I grab her hand and pull her out of the bathroom and the guys cat whistle and I hear a cry "hey pervs go stalk someone else"I say and the guys glare at me.
To be continued...

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