Carry On

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Title: Carry On.

Rating: PG-13.

Pairing: Aleks/Kevin.

Warnings: None.

Notes: Last prompt I have. If you have requests, feel free, just know that I won’t do smut. c: Anything else is fair game right now.

Aleks had been on edge lately ever since they had become officially a couple and Kevin could understand why. With that, he had stopped smoking and tried to better his life to a certain degree that he could call obsession, which included working his ass off for his channel and the Creature Hub. The only problem was that he couldn’t understand why he pushed himself so hard or why he did the things that he did in his current state. He just did them. Of course that often worried Kevin because he didn’t know what to say or do in a situation quite like this, this was one of the areas where words often failed to help him out.

Today had been a mostly normal day though — they’d filmed a quick short for Aleks breaking five hundred thousand subscribers and to document them being this whole couple thing. They decided to just hit two birds with one stone and thus, went about their day doing such. By the time they were done, it was nearing three in the afternoon and both were exhausted and starved. But even with these events going on inside themselves, they were found taking a small nap on the living room couch, around the time that Eddie and James decided to walk in, talking loudly about nothing important. “You guys are too loud.” Kevin heard Aleks mumble as he rolled into his chest, both of them having just woken up due to them. 

James made a face at them, rolling his eyes. “Don’t you two have a room for this stuff?” He asked, not even a bit serious — faking disgust and trying to tease them like he normally would. This didn’t bode well with Aleks and Kevin felt him shift in positions, causing him to whine softly. “No one wants to see that.” Kevin knew that their friend was teasing them but he also knew that Aleks was going to be having none of his shit today and he rolled over just in time to see him getting up and walking away. He shot a look to James, as if telling him to go and apologize — he’d been moody, sure, but he never thought he’d actually take James of all people seriously when he started in like this.

He pushed himself up, messed his hair, and began following James down the hallway that Aleks had disappeared into. “Aleks?” James called easily once they reached the door to his room, trying to get his attention. “Can I come in?” He asked, careful of his words, unsure of how Aleks would react so soon to him being there. A muffled “no” came about and they sighed in unison; of course not, they should have known that he would be a difficult one to crack in his nicotine-less state. Kevin gave James a look, shooing him away before he just went in on his own, not wanting to wait any longer to figure out why Aleks had gotten so angry and upset with James.

Sitting on the bed beside where his boyfriend lay, head in the pillows, grumbling to himself, Kevin began rubbing circles into his back. “Want to tell me what’s wrong?” He asked softly, almost a whisper — he knew Aleks could hear him just fine, knew that he was listening when his head peeked up from his pillow. The slight shake of Aleks’ head made him sigh softly as he got up and opened the nightstand. Kevin knew of a way to calm him down, even if he had quit only a few weeks ago. Ever since he had, he’d been much more angry and uneasy to do much of anything with anyone, often hovering around Kevin or Eddie, or even just laying about with Puppy Chef when he went to see her.

Pulling the Marlboro green pack out, he tossed them on the bed along with a lighter. “Your lack of nicotine is starting to worry me and I know you need to keep your mouth busy when you’re in this type of state.” He murmured, taking his spot back with his boyfriend as he saw him swipe the pack, looking at Kevin with a grin. If there was one thing that the younger man knew how to do, it was comfort Aleks and keep hims a little bit sane, even if it meant supplying him with cigarettes and making him happy for the rest of their days together. Kevin didn’t mind, he knew that he would rather be doing this than anything else. He’d rather be with Aleks than unhappy elsewhere in his life, even if he thought it made him stronger.

"Damn dude." He heard Aleks sigh as he popped the window open, leaned out, and started to enjoy the first cigarette he’d had in a long time. "Feeling better already." Kevin laughed as he moved to wrap his arms around the shorter male’s waist, hugging him tightly. "Thanks."

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