Love Killer

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Title: Love Killer.

Rating: PG.

Pairing: Aleks/Kevin.

Warnings: None.

Notes: I combined these two, so hopefully you both enjoy it. c:

PAX Prime — and Aleks had forgotten to book his hotel room. With Seattle being a big city and so many events going on at once, he turned toward his best friend and asked him if he could stay for a few nights. Kevin agreed, sending him his address through text message and telling him to use the back door. A wave of relief went over him and he was absolutely glad that he had friends around the world that would take him in at such a short notice. Especially when they knew it was for a reason that was completely his fault. He hadn’t meant to not book a place to sleep but it had happened and now it was too late to go back, even as he found himself parked in the driveway of Kevin’s home.

Paying the taxi driver and getting out and walking to the back door as he had been told and knocking loudly, he waited for his friend to let him in. Kevin appeared at the door moments later, half dressed and with wet hair. “Hey man!” He laughed, tugging him into the house. “Make yourself at home, I’ll be right back.” He grinned now and disappeared down a hallway to what Aleks assumed was his bedroom. He looked about the living room, oddly amused by how well decorated it was and plopped down on the couch. He’d never stayed with Kevin before, it had always been the other way around and neither had minded it.

Kevin reappeared a moment later, this time fully dressed and less wet hair dangling. “So, we don’t exactly have a guest bedroom, so you’ll be staying in my room. Is that cool?” He asked, a sheepish smile on his face as Aleks nodded, a fluttering feeling in his stomach. This seemed odd to him, he had never felt like this around someone before, not even the ones that he had once adored the most. Even beyond the ones that he had grown up with and the parents that he had called his very own. These little feelings for his best friend went beyond what he knew and he couldn’t help it.

"Yeah, dude, that sounds great." Aleks suddenly felt awkward upon saying that but he had no control over his mouth suddenly. From that point forward, things changed between the two, and over the course of two days, Aleks often found himself curled up in Kevin’s bed once they returned from the event. Sometimes they’d talk and others times, they’d just be there, existing together. To him, it felt comforting and felt like he had died and entered a new type of a Heaven, a Heaven he didn’t want to leave right now. Or ever, for that matter. 

On the final day, for breakfast instead of going out to eat, Kevin proposed that they cook something for each other and see what the other thought. Aleks took it as a challenge, trying to proclaim himself as master chef. Kevin laughed at him as he followed him to the kitchen and began grabbing the items that he would need to make an omelet. Aleks followed suit but went for making a homemade batter for pancakes, much to Kevin’s amusement. Kevin had gone for the easy option, knowing how to already make what he desired for the other to try out, and went about his way, careful not to make a mess.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could clearly see his friend struggling and he abandoned his pan for a few minutes to look over his shoulder curiously. Being taller, he could see that Aleks was trying to Google on his phone how to make the perfect pancakes and he chuckled to himself. “Aleks, they’ll turn out just fine, really. You don’t need Google to tell you that.” He said as he winked and walked away from him and back to his work.

A bit down the road, the food was ready for taste testing and Aleks was first up, having drizzled a ton of syrup over the pancakes and added butter in odd places. “Kevin, you first.” He grinned, pushing the plate toward him, those fluttery feelings making his stomach flip now. He watched carefully as he took a bite, a look passed over Kevin’s face and he almost felt his heart drop before a low moan exited his lips. Aleks grinned now, pleased with himself and his work. “Seriously? That good?” He asked as Kevin nodded and pushed his omelet toward him, continuing on the pancakes.

That had been the day that Aleks felt himself fall for Kevin more than he could have imagined, and for Kevin, he was sure, it had been the same for him.

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