"What did I say the first day back here? I am not a chimpanzee here for your entertainment."

   "Yes but you are very talented. You also make great songs that touch people's heart's." She smiled softly.

   "That's great. No." I say with a sarcastic tone.

   "Seth. You remember when you played 'A Thousand Years' for me to check before you played it for your parent's?"

   "How can I forget. They died never hearing it." I snapped.

   "I'm sorry to bring this up... but you need to know how much that meant to me. I felt the emotions in that song and I know others will feel it too. Just try it once... I'll never ask you to play again unless you volunteer. Please? I know you will do great." She said trying to convince me. Maybe I should try it, I mean she'll leave me alone if I do.

   "Fine. Only if you'll leave me alone." I sigh.

   "Yes! Great! Here's the form, fill it out and give it to me when you finish." She smiled softly before I walked over to my seat to fill it out. Ugh! I really don't want to do this but if it'll get her off my back, I'll try it. I started filling it out when I heard my name. I looked up to see Darren staring down at me with his piercing blue eyes.

   "What the hell do you want?" I sigh.

   "Yesterday... I umm..."

   "Yesterday's the past. I'm looking forward to the future where your ass isn't in it."

   "Look I know I was a bit-"

   "A bit?! In what world would that be called a little?! I liked you! I thought you liked me but that was only when we were alone! I knew I should've just said no when you asked for a lesson! I knew if you found out about my parent's you would just-!" I started to say but my voice got caught in my throat and tears started to fall. "I knew you would use it to hurt me. And you know what? You succeeded. I'm hurt."

   "I'm sorry... I... shouldn't have done that-"

   "Yeah. Too late." I said finishing my form and getting up.


   "Just shut up."

   "No, not until you know I am sorry."

   "Yeah, and I'm Beyonce'. Just stop lying." I laugh.

   "I'm telling the truth. I am sorry and I really do like you."

   "Curious, does your ass ever get jealous of all that shit that comes out of your mouth?" I said rendering him speechless as I placed the paper in front of Mrs. Owen who was trying figure out what was going on then sat back in my seat. "I'm sorry Darren but you're words don't mean anything to me anymore. If you're really sorry you'll act on it. Now please just leave me alone."

   He looked at me with a sad look but I ignored it and went over to the piano to play 'Castle Of Glass' then waited for Mrs. Owen's to start the class.

Darren's POV~

    After school was over I went to practice. I couldn't stop thinking about Seth, I know you all hate me for what I did... hell I even hate myself for what I did. Yesterday was torture I saw him with that guy and I just snapped. I told Chris about his parents being dead and he just told everyone else. I said some things to Seth after and later saw him after school crying. When everyone started making fun of him I just froze up like a coward. But then Jared said something that seemed to snap something inside Seth and he willed Jared to continue only Chris did that for him. That's when I saw Seth's bloody hand and put his finger in his face. They went back and forth until Chris threw a punch his way and Seth caught it. But that wasn't what surprised me... what surprised me was his grip started to hurt Chris and his face turned into one of the most frightening things I've seen. His glare turned more threatening and cold. I immediately went into shock. That once innocent look in his eyes completely changed.

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