" old times "

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Gerard still wasn't quite satisfied with the whole "hanging out and watching horror movies just like old times" thing, but he went along with it to appease Frank. He'd do a lot for the boy, really, just to keep him around.

Even if it meant hanging out with Mikey, who- god- irritated him to no end.

"Y'know," said Mikey, and with just one word he had made Gerard's hands curl into fists. "I did miss this, right? It's been weeks." He grinned at Frank, who smiled back and nodded agreeingly. Neither of them looked at Gerard, knowing the boy was fuming.

He had- he had something to go to. Something urgent. A very important deal, worth a good couple hundred, and the goods lay in his pocket already, begging to be sold.

"Guys," he tried, mostly to Frank, "I need to run out real quick; but I'll be back soon, and I can go get weed, pizza, whatever-"

Mikey looked doubtful, because he knew- he knew exactly what was stashed in Gerard's pocket, and he wasn't fucking supposed to- no one was supposed to know. Much less Frank, but he remained oblivious. "Sure," Frank piped up, casting him a friendly smile. He was really playing up the whole not-a-couple thing, just to have it seem more like old times. "Half pepperoni, right?"

"Half pineapple!" Mikey chimed in, his doubt fading.

"Ew, the fuck?" Gerard replied immediately. "Pineapple's gross as fuck."

Frank giggled. "It makes your come taste better. So maybe Mikey's got a point..."

The younger brother pretended to throw up. "That is not what I meant, I just fucking like pineapple on pizza-"

"Right," Frank smirked, "Going over to Pete's later?" He fell over himself in his laughter, and Gerard chuckled along too.

"Fine," Gerard said eventually, "I'll get two pizzas. One half pepperoni and half pineapple, and one plain. Extra cheese, yeah?"

"Garlic crust!" Frank nodded, shaking his hair so that it fell over his eye. He beamed at Gerard, who was already rising and heading to the door. "Hurry up, okay?"

Oh, yes of course, of course I'll fucking hurry up cause you asked so goddamn nicely, didn't you?

Gerard smiled at him. "Yeah."

He liked the kid a lot. But he'd also really fucking like to throttle him sometimes. For no reason at all, really. It would just be really interesting to see how it would affect him. Would his face turn red? Purple? Blue? Would he beg for Gerard to stop, or suffer in silence? Would he claw at his throat? Would Gerard's grip leave bruises?

Gerard left the house and started his car. He could've driven the route with his eyes closed, that's how often he'd drove it before; his grip on the wheel was loose and friendly. He drove this way at the exact same time of day, and the traffic was always identical.

Everything in this goddamn world was so fucking identical.

Except Frank. And that's why Gerard was attracted to him. Frank was weird, Frank was a punk with a gentle side, smart yet irrevocably stupid at times. He was interested in not only being a punk but reading about the history of it. He'd gone to Catholic school before his mom had pulled him out. Frank was a fucking mystery to Gerard. What he knew about the kid was only what Frank had let slip- usually after sex, when he was at his most relaxed.

But never mind all of that. Gerard swerved into the gas station and parked his car off to the side. His parking spot was never taken. Good.

His feet stomped the exact same path they'd taken a hundred times before- first coming here to buy, then slowly transforming into a dealer. There were some things that he was perfectly okay with being identical day in and day out. He ducked into the shadows behind the gas station's store, which was in a poor, falling-apart state. Gerard smiled as he leaned against its cold back wall, waiting.

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