Class Trial 1: The Case of Koyanagi Oda

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• The Monokuma file
• Only blood around the head
• Bloody screwdriver
• Cuts in vital spots
• Bloodstain near Aiko's dorm
• Blood puddle & streaks before Rika's dorm
• Shattered sunglasses near Aiko's dorm
• Koyanagi's key left in dorm: has an imprint surrounded by blood stains
• Letter in Koyanagi's trashcan
• Two knives beneath Koyanagi's bed- one covered in blood, one not
• Missing knives from the kitchen
• Bloodstained cloth in the kitchen
• Blood streaks leading either out of or in to the dining hall
• Shoes speckled with blood
• Toolkit on Koyanagi- missing screwdriver

"So!" Monokuma chirped. "The way the Class Trial works is that you have to find the blackened! If you run out of time or get it wrong, everyone besides the blackened will be executed. If you get it right, only the blackened will be executed."

"Monokuma, I have something to ask you before this Trial begins," Aruto's gaze settled on Monokuma. When the sadistic bear waved a paw for him to go on, the Ultimate Butler continued. "If Koyanagi was alive, what would happen if he went in the girls' bathroom?"

"I'd shoot him, obviously! Perverts are a big no-no, you're highschoolers!"

"And if he was dead?"

Monokuma shrugged. "There's really no gender for corpses in my opinion, so I'd let it pass! And we wouldn't have a Class Trial for him!" 

CLUE ADDED: Monokuma's Account

"All right," Aiko said. "Let's confirm something. What exactly was the murder weapon?"

"Well, that's obvious, isn't it? It's the bloody screwdriver!" Elliot pointed out.

"You've got that wrong!"

All eyes turned towards Locke.

"Well," he shifted his weight from one foot to another. "In Koyanagi's dorm, I found two knives under the bed. One was bloody, and one wasn't."

"That doesn't prove the murder weapon were those knives," Rika supplied. "Besides, how would the knives make their way into Koyanagi's dorm anyway?"

"We're getting off-track," Aruto murmured. "As much as I despise interacting with people with low intelligence such as those around me, it is clear I will not get out alive without supplying help."

With a heavy sigh, Aruto adjusted his glove. "Have any of you read the Monokuma File?" He asked, exasperated. "Cuts such as those are not made by a screwdriver, but a knife."

"You have expertise in knives, probably, right?" Aruno asked. "Bein' a butler and all."

He didn't reply.

"That still doesn't prove that the knives were the weapon. Who knows, it could be made from a needle in a girl's sewing kit,"

"I suppose since I was the only one who really looked closely at the body, I'd like to point out that the fatal wound at the back of the head was somewhat of a stab wound," Kosaki yawned, as if this was no big deal.

CLUE ADDED: Fatal Head Stab Wound

"Oh, all right," Elliot said, nodding. "I suppose that proves the murder weapon to be the knives. But why was one clean and one not clean?"

"I have an answer," Aiko spoke up. "I found a bloody cloth in the kitchen."

"In addition to the knives, I also noticed two knives are missing from the kitchen," Lucy added.

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