And holy haven, that babe word made my heart beats louder for a whole minute.

Lana95: like; what's your hobbies !? What kind of music do you like !? Ya know those normal things xx

HS69: my one and only hobby is singing, you know I love to sing a lot.

Lana95: really :)

HS69: yup really, I hope you just don't think I'm gay after telling you my one and only hobby clumsy girl xx :p

Lana95: why would I think that you're gay, (unless you're truly are :p ) anyway I think that singing is amazing.

Lana95: clumsy girl :/ :p ?!

HS69: I'm not gay clumsy Lana :p and clumsy girl is my new nickname for you :p

Lana95: whatever you say gay Henry :p

HS69: gay Henry !! Are you serious.! That doesn't even make sense :p

Lana95: it makes sense to me gay Henry :p

HS95: whatever you say clumsy girl :p

Lana95: anyway you still didn't answer the rest of my questions gay Henry !?

HS69: oh my bad clumsy girl :p  Well to he honest I don't have a favorite type of music that I listen to, I just love to listen to music, any kind of music, music just makes me happy.

Lana95: wow what a great speech gay Henry :p you should probably be the next queen of England :p

HS69: you're so funny clumsy girl -,-!

Lana95: tell me something I don't know :p

HS69: so why don't you tell me about yourself too clumsy girl !?xx

I was about to type, when I heard Mr.Ben calling my name ( well not my name exactly, my last name to be honest)

"Ms Edwards would you please tell me what I was just talking about !?" "the em usual" I answered stupidly "what's the usual Ms Edwards !?" The fucktrad asked me again "world war II" "no Alanna I was talking about hitler, please pay attention more Ms Edwards" the fucker, seriously isn't stupid hitler part of the world war or what.  

Mr. Ben is a total fucker.

Lana95: my name is Lana, I'm 18 years old, hmm I live with my mother only since dad left us long time ago.

HS69: I'm sorry to know that clumsy girl xx

Lana95: nuh it's okay gay Henry x :')

Lana95: anyway, reading and playing guitar are my two favorite hobbies.

HS69: wow clumsy girl is a book worm & a guitar player :p you just surprised me clumsy girl :p I thought you're going to say I don't have any hobbies at all :p or that I'm a total nerdy clumsy girl :p

Lana95: fuck you Henry ;p _!_

HS69: With pleasure babe :p

Lana95: asshole :p

HS69: boobhole :p

Lana95: -,-!

HS69: anyway I don't want to sound like a creep or anything, but you kinda promised me that you're going to send me a picture of yourself. xx so are you going to send it or ....

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