A Possible Story?

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Alright everyone, let me know what you think! (Also can anyone tell me how to link images? I seem to be struggling lol)


10 days...or at least that's what I think. With no light to go by it has been impossible to know exactly how long it's been. 10 days give or take is how long I have been sitting in this cold damp cage-like cell. 10 days since I last saw the bright golden light of the sun bouncing off my skin. 10 days since I've been taken by the goblins of goblin-town.

Now you may be wondering how a girl like me ends up in a place like this. Well, you would be asking the right question and I would love to know the answer too. I was simply following a path through the mountains, and then I woke up here. The nasty goblin-king thought I would be a fine "specimen" to add to his collection, though I have yet to see anyone else but me.

I screamed the first day; screamed for hours and hours, but the goblins simply laughed at me, and it was hours later that I realized no help would come. No one knew where I was or where I was going, and they definitely wouldn't find me here. It seems that all I can do now is pray to Mahal that these goblins continue to bring me water once a day with scraps, and that maybe, just maybe someone could save me.

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