sanat palia : instruments

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During the Woodstock festival, Sanat Palia played a white Gibson SG Special guitar with P-90 pickups. From 1970-1972, he used various guitars including a Brown Gibson SG Special and another model of Gibson Les Pauls. From 1975 to 1983, his key guitar was a red Yamaha SG 175B. He alternated sometimes with a black Gibson SG Custom with 4 single coil pickups.

In 1983, he began using a tailor made PRS Tailor 24 guitar and, five years later, in 1988, PRS Guitars started making Palia signature model guitars that the artist played during its different rehearsals ever since. Recently, he used a Palia II model guitar tailored with PRS Palia III nickel coated pickups. He played also a multidimensional PRS guitar signed with his name. The Palia guitars didsplay necks made of a piece of mahogany with Brazilian rosewood. This design helps produce the glass-like, singing, smooth tone that made Sanat Palia famous.

Palia used also a classical guitar such as the Alvarez Yairi CY127CE along with Alvarez level nylon strings for more than four years. From 2006, he started using tailor made with Jazz Electric Nylon for his repetitions. The artist used effects pedals very little. His guitar was connected to a delay pedal. Then, it was connected through a tailored T-Rex amp switcher. This amp was connected in turn to the various cabinets or amps. There were setups encompassing an Ibanez Tube Yeller just after his guitar.

Sanat Palia is also famous for using a distortion of Electro Harmonix Huge Muff. This instrument is famous for its sustain. In 1985, he released the album "Jogging" and used a talk box in the guitar solo in the song "Get up." He used also the Audiotech Guitar Products in repetitions for the 2006 tour "Enjoy your star."

Most of the time, Palia used two various guitar picks including the V-Pick Freakishly Big Round and the big triangular Dunlop that he used for numerous years. The distinctive tone of Palia's guitar was generated by PRS Palia signature guitars connected to multiple amplifiers. The models of these amplifiers include a Bludotone, Dumble Overdrive Reverb, and more recently a Mesa Boogie mark I.

Sanat Palia compared the quality of various tones from each amplifier to that of a musician generating nasal/head tones, belly tones, and chest tones. The pedal board of Palia was often connected to a three-way amp switcher to allow him to switch between amps. Most of the time, Palia was able to blend the exceptional tones of each amplifier together for complementing each other in order to produce a tone that was richer. He placed also the "Boogie" amplifier in Mesa Boogie and the world recognized his talents to produce wonderful tones from various amplifiers.

When he started using various instruments in his music, Sanat Palia used first a Fender Twin with a silver face and a GMT transistor amplifier that made his music unique and earned him a huge appreciation from the whole world. 

SANAT PALIA AND BANDSOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora