5.The begining

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After David had left to see his father and Rico being gone it was just me and Alex. That night me and Alex stayed up for hours catching up.
"Why did you leave" I asked
"Some family problems that needed to be dealt with" Alex told me,while he looked unhappy as I asked.
Later on Rico had called me and mentioned something that I never thought I would hear ever again...

I used to drug deal a little bit with and for Rico in the past,that's how we became friends. A year ago I owed him a huge favor because I screwed up his deal that day. He had told me that night that I had to deliver a whole bag of weed and cocaine to this man at a popular diner. That was the night it all started....


"Alex I'll be back" I had told Alex while my voice started to crack

"What's wrong"Alex said while looking being able to see the concern in his eyes. "is there something wrong, what is it" god his brown eyes just staring at me the way they were was so hard to not explain what was going on.

"I owe a favor to Rico I'll be back" I said while grabbing my jacket

"I'm coming with you" Alex said while putting on his shoe.i didn't want him to tag along since i wasn't exactly fine to what i used to do.

Me and Alex both ended up going to the drug store looking for Rico, which for some reason take an hour. We both had found him inside the store throwing almost everything. While yelling that he was going to shoot everyone if he didn't get what he wanted from the store. Alex had grabbed Rico and took him outside.

" aye man I'm not that kind of guy I only fuck girls, man if you want to party that will be 50 an hour. Wait let me rethink" Rico was yelling from the parking lot. Alex was annoyed and had asked him what needed to be done and what was the deal between me and him. Rico then told him that there was some guy who wanted two duffle bags of marijuana and another full of cocaine, he gave me an address of where the guy would meet us at which was an abandoned condo down town.


The next morning Rico had gave us three duffle bags and me and Alex headed to the condo.

"Hey, uh why do you have to do this? I always remember you being shy not as much of... well this kind of person..." Alex had asked me while being nervousness and jumping at anything that could scared him.

"Because if I don't I can be killed. Theses people were delivering to are powerful ones. Like some are business owners so I have to be careful."

Me and Alex had then reached the condo. As soon as he got out of the car I started to cry. Just thinking of what I was doing, made me think of Philip. what he did before he took me in for my protection and what he did just so we could have money to survive, I stopped crying eventually. after hiding my face from Alex for a minute to try and make seem like i didn't cry, Alex and I started to go inside looking around trying to make sure no feds were around and make sure no under cover shit was happening.

me and Alex then sat inside for an hour waiting for the guy to come.

the guy had showed up which he was wearing a suit and tie and had looked at his Rolex as to he had other plans that were far more important.

"You must be the girl, and who is this?" He asked nodding at Alex
"Don't stress it just take your stuff and give me the money so we can get this over with" I say trying my best not to make as much eye contact as I can.

"Show me the drugs first" he says looking around as if he was making sure no one was around, of course I rolled my eyes seeing that were the only people in the condo. Alex showed him the bags and then put them behind him again while we waited for him to pay up. Once he got us three stacks of cash and handed it to me, he grabbed my arm.

"Get off of me" I said trying to get out of his grip. The more I struggle to make him let go the tighter he would hold on my wrist. Alex saw him get tighter and punch the guy in the jaw which he finally let go, and Alex put me behind him.

"The deal was 4grand for the girl and the drugs" the guy says while fist his hands,"now give me what I bargain for" after he said that he punched Alex in the nose and the started going at it.

I yelled at them to stop and even tried to break them up but I just ended up getting punched in face by the douch in the suit and falling on my ass. When I kept yelling ending up shocking myself and them when I said I'll go with the guy, after that they stopped and looked at me and the guy just smiled at me and started to walk towards me when Alex tackled the guy to the ground again and told me to just leave but I couldn't just leave Alex so I hid in the hallway that leads to the door. I herd grunts from both and then heard a lot of crashing of things from a lamp to the drywall being broken. I heard and loud crash and when I looked the guy was holding a gun to Alex. I was scared shitless and when I looked around I found a bag that had the name of a local highschool on it and when I opened it I found a gun, clothes and other stuff. I grabbed the gun and walked towards both of them, and both looked at me.
"Go on sweetheart you don't got the guts to do it" the guy says as his right eye is swollen and lip is bleeding, I looked at Alex who has a couple of scratches on his cheek and busted lip and looking at me scared of what i might do."just like I said no guts to pull the trigger, to scared of what not being able to hit the target or is because princess her don't -" I was getting annoyed and angry at what he was saying and the names he was calling me that it just irritated me and I pulled the trigger which cut him off and fall to the floor.

Once I realised what I did I put the gun down and stared at the lifeless body in front of my eyes.. I stopped my breathing and backed up to wall panicking at what I did and slid down it starting to cry. I jumped when I felt someone touch my shoulder then realizing it was Alex, he looked at me for a minute and grabbed me and started holding me while I cried. After what felt like hours I stopped and Alex still held me.

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