2.Taken in

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After that night my moms body was taken to a morge where her body would soon be taken out and burned. Philip raised me for all of my life the first time I went I had to sleep on a dirty mattress in a small room. It stayed like that for a week. He kicked me out of that room and told me he was doing stuff in there. As usual I thought that was the room he was making drugs and were he hides them. It took him a month to finish what he was doing. After I got home from school Philip called me over to him asking if I wanted a present, of course I said yes

"Okay kid you need to shut your eyes" he said while grinning like he won the lottery.

As I closed my eyes I knew in some way he was going to win my approval as the best person in the world.

"Okay kid open your eyes" as he opened the door to the room. I walked in thinking he only painted it but to find a real room (one in the picture above) it was so much better than the one I had when my mom was alive. He later gave me key telling me to always lock my door and windows since there were theifs every where in the neighborhood.

Philip was not a bad guy after all when I meet him he was... kind. I lived with him for most of my life but I wish I didn't leave him before when someone else came along. After that day getting my present I got all my clothes I had and put them up and anything else that I needed in my new room. God, that was one of the happiest days in my life knowing that someone could provide for me and care for me at one time. I guess my mom did the same thing I really don't know since she was always on drugs and crying most of the time. If only my dad didn't leave my mom wouldn't have died like this and not have such a bad life. After a couple of months maybe 4 me and Philip moves to a new location since Philip had to get out of our old house since there was to much gang violence and he was scared I would get shot while walking to my bus stop for school. After we did move after that Philip put me in a new school and made sure it had a great education system. But that day before I knew it was the whole reason my life is shit. Fuck maybe if I didn't have made friends at that school my life wouldn't be so fucked up. But like people say you can't change the past but you can change the future. Maybe it's true after all

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