"Of what? Your ability to stare at someone and tell what language they speak?"

"Oh come on, it was obvious! Aren't you supposed to be smart?"

I recoil, almost falling off the bench in my attempt to get away from him. "Excuse me?" I say, pretending to be offended. "In fact I am."

Alix deadpans. "Shock me and say something intelligent."

"I can name the first fifty numbers in pi. 3.14159265359—"

"Okay, okay." Alix holds up a hand in mock surrender. "I get it."

"Oh, really? Because there are still forty-one more numbers after the decimal—"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You know," I say. "It's not polite to interrupt a girl. Twice, I might add. I thought you were a gentleman—"

"I am a gentleman." Alix says, looking wounded, mouth agape.

"You just did it again!" I point an accusing finger at him. A small snort follows shortly afterward. Liz. I'd almost forgotten she was here. Alix narrows his eyes jokingly at her.

"Excuse me, Elizabeth whatever-your-last-name-is, but you have no part in our little discussion here—"

"I have just as much part in it as Jess does!" Liz says, crossing her arms and pouting like an immature five-year old.

"Well so far you've been anti-social—"

"I'm not antisocial, I just don't like you."

I can't suppress a giggle any longer. It bubbles out of me, and causes Alix to slowly swivel his head back in my direction. "Jessica Marie Hollens, I swear to G—"

"Hang on." Liz interrupts him mid sentence. "I want to know something before you change the subject once again. How did you know my full name?"

Alix looks confused for a split second, his brows furrowing and his expression cloudy. But it disappears as he recalls what he said only a moment before. "Well, I just kind of assumed. I mean Liz is normally short for the name Elizabeth or in some cases Lizbeth or maybe Lizzy."

Liz tenses all of a sudden, her muscles going rigid and her lips pressing tightly together. "Don't call me that. Ever."

The mood has shifted so drastically it suddenly feels as if the temperature just dropped twenty degrees in the last few seconds. Part of me is curious, wants to know why she's so sensitive about that name, but I know it's not my place to ask. Or maybe it is, and now is just not the time.

"I'll be right back." She says, her voice clipped and all previous acts of amusement dissolve. And then she's gone, slipping through the tables and disappearing around a corner. I turn to Alix. 

"Do you know what that was about?" I ask, just in time to see Alix shake his head in concern.

"Not even the slightest idea." It's obvious that he's telling the truth. He may not have a great reputation in his thief record, but once you actually get to know him, he really is just a big teddy bear. He's obviously loved before—based off Amelia, anyways—his heart is just... damaged.

The waitress comes a moment later with our drinks, and a twang of guilt blossoms in my stomach as she sets a glass of water in Liz's empty spot. This time, we simply order and she leaves with no comment.

"I don't know what Liz's deal is, but she confuses me." I say, staring intently at the water droplets forming on the water glass. "You're good at reading people, aren't you? What can you tell about her?"

Subject #013 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now