The Dream that Scarred

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*Note: For years now before I go to sleep I see the shadow of a figure that in a way looks like the Human Version of Bill Cipher. He would scare me but at the same time watch me like he was protecting something and this was happening before Gravity Falls and I used to have night terrors so whenever I have a nightmare it feels real, just a quick note to help people understand*

We're at school, everyone had rushed out the building due to a fire that had started. The strange thing is that the flames are blue. His fire. My hell.

A man appears floating a few feet off the ground. I began to study his appearance.

I felt that I recognised him. He had shaggy blonde hair with brown tips, and very pale skin similar to my own. His face had soft features, but I was drawn most to his eye. Where one of them was white with a black slit down the middle, the other was covered with an eye patch. He had a thin frame and wore strange clothes. He wore a white shirt with a black bow tie and matching top hat and dress trousers. He wore dress shoes as well with a long yellow over coat with a brick pattern, which also had an eye on the back similar to his actual eye.

He started to scan the crowd looking for someone and I automatically turned away. I could hear him shouting for people to step forth, and that's where the nightmare begins...

He started threatening them and they started to plea for mercy, I recognised the voices and turned around. There kneeling before him was my friends I couldn't bare to look at them, they looked terrified and I left them, not trying to help them at all, even though I really wanted to help.

I turned away only to hear ear shattering screams, I turn around and to my shock, my friends bodies fell limp and hit the ground hard with a thud. Covered in blood. Their blood. Which now rest in my hands.

I started to shake frantically not knowing what to do. I scraped up all the courage I could and ran out to the assumed demon and screamed at him. I was utterly disgusted when he looked at me and smirked. He started to laugh like a maniac.

He started to speak, "Care to join me, live an immortal life, you might get something you want in return if you want it that badly..." A cane appeared in his hand and he gestured towards the corpses of my friends.

I began to cry and looked back at him who was now swinging his cane round and round without a care in the universe.

I don't know what was going through my head, whether it was wishful thinking or pure stupidity, I agreed to his terms. I shook his hand as blue flames began to engulf us both.

I asked something of him, that my friends and family are safe, alive and healthy. That they are now under our protection. He allowed me my wishes and the world went grey as the colour drained out of the world. My friends began to stand up not knowing what just happened. Not knowing that they just cheated death.

I told them what happened, to them, my reaction, the deal struck. I told them that I had to go with him and that they weren't to worry about me. I will return one day, I promised them that.

As I said my goodbyes it felt like taking a stake to the heart. My heart began racing as I started to cry and I took any remaining comfort out of my best friends hold.

I turned back to the demon and took his hand, I had a feeling that I had known him my whole life. The touch of his cool hands. He created a portal and as we stepped through I could see the colour returning to the world that I had left behind.

I found my self in a mansion, it was beautiful but I didn't really care. I walked up stairs into the only room with a bed, the master bedroom. I sat on the bed feeling drained and emotionless.

The demon appeared at the door. He looked at me with a gentle smile and said, "Welcome to the Mindscape kid." He sounded almost sorry for me and came over and sat with me. He took me into his arms as I began to cry.

As he held me we laid back on the bed, staring at the star painted ceiling losing myself in my thoughts. I wanted to ask questions but didn't know how to start. He began to play with my hair, twirling it in his fingers, his breathing was calm as I lied on his chest.

I looked up at him in his one visible eye and asked who he was.

"Don't remember me Pinetree?"

In that second my mind clicked, It's him.


He nodded his head slowly and laughed quietly. I do remember. He's been watching over me my whole life, ever since I can remember. My friend when I needed one most. My hero when I was ready to give up. My guardian, and I can say honestly that he isn't any Angel! I held him back in a tight hold, never wanting him to leave my side!

Never letting go of my beloved Bill Cipher.

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