Chapter seven: Anger will revel all....

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"You are fighting the pain, try and eccept it, almost encourage it." How on earth do I do that? Oh well if it makes it stop. I nod my head weakly and I feel him get up and hear him walk back to Ciel.
"Will she be ok? Her eyes changed back to normal." Aw bless Ciel whispering but I can still hear him.
"I do not know my lord, she is fighting it, it makes her weak she can not see us now her eyes have changed back yet she still keeps the room dark, when she became angry it must have woken up her other form, this darkness is her defence working for when she changes." Great, well to be true I have always loved his eyes just better in blue heh, what ever I am I might as well find out. I try to get up, using all of my strength I get back onto my hands and knees, then sit up. Now for the hard part standing...Come on you can do this! Stop being a whimp. I push my self up, oh crap or not, my knees buckle under me and I fall back down. I find the desk on my left side with my hand and use it for support. Leaning against it for a few seconds I push my self away from it so I am standing own my own.

"Accept it you say." I say not as a question more of a statement.
"Yes" Is the simple answer he gives me, ok well here goes nothing. I close my eyes and concentrate on the pain sure enough it come back.
"Ugghhh" I mumble through gritted teeth, ok Alex, breath just focus on it and let it spread, suddenly a wave of raw energy spreads over every nerve in my body making them tingle with energy. I hear a tearing noise but don't take much notice as the energy keeps coming.
"Holy..." I gasp as I bend down and put my hands on my knees to support my self, no, stand up! I slowly stand straight again. I flick my eyes open with my new found energy and find Ciel open mouth staring at me, I look at Sebastian who looks half amazed and half interested.

"You were right heh, I feel better. Wait what are you both staring at?" Ciel doesn't move so I look at Sebastian.

"Erm what is it?" Ok getting creepy now...Sebastian suddenly smiles his amazing 'I'm a creep' smile, ok that's creepy.
"Y-you ha-ave...." Ciel stutters. I look at him confused.
"Ok Sebastian what is wrong with him?" He walks over to me his demon eyes blazing, wow.

"Strech out your back." My eyes widen.
"What?" I ask, ok very confused now, help.
"Just do it please." I look at him, okkk fine, I put my hands up in the air and stretch my spine feeling every part-
"OW. What the heck did I just hit?" I bring my arms down wait I didn't hit anything with my, wait, what? Sebastian chuckles and puts his hands on my head...please don't kill me.
"Your arms didn't hit anything, it was these." He says as he turns my head so I can see over my right shoulder..........HOLY MOTHER OF FUDGE!!!....He lets go of my head as I stay frozen to the spot looking at, well, wings.....I slowly look back at both of them with an open mouth. As I do Sebastian looks in my mouth...uhh WHAT? I take a step back.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"It seems it's not just your eyes or you new wings that have changed." Ok what is he talking about, I flick my tounge around my teeth....oh my ..teeth are...well to put it simply sharp very sharp....not as dagger like, like Grells but very sharp and slightly pointed especially fhe canines.

"Withdraw the darkness." Ciel manages to find his voice. I nod ok not sure how but I might as well try. Closing my eyes I picture it all coming back and becoming light. I open them and it was normal.

"Crap thats bright." I say as I shield my eyes from the light with my hand. Wait I have wings....I slowly look at my back again and sure enough there they are, but they are not angel wings...more like dragon wings...I stretch them out carefully to avoid hitting anything, oh that's what the tearing sounds I look at them in amazement they are jet black but seem to have a slight blue hint to them.. I bring them back they are a high as my head and go the whole length of my body. Slowly I start to feel dizzy, oh great don't faint now...I stumble a bit but Sebastian stops me from falling by catching me, such a gentleman.

"Thanks." I say as I hold my head. "That must have taken a lot of energy out of you." I nod my head. Crap I didn't realize how weak I felt. All of the new energy drained from the first change. I can't stop myself from letting all of my weight fall onto Sebastian, my head resting on his shoulder. Ciel walks over with normal eyes, I only just keep my eyes open. "We will talk later you need sleep and rest, you look dreadful." Ha he's back to normal, nice as always. I barely have the energy to nod my head as my vision starts to blur, exhaustion invading my body. I try to stand on my own, I can do this...or maybe not, I manage two steps before my knees give in. This time it is Ciel who catches me.

"Sebastian take her to her room but make sure no one sees her for obvious reason. And make sure she is asleep before you leave, then come back here." I can hardly hear them, my eyes are half closed as I feel someone picking me up. I look up and see a blurry out line,
"Thanks..Sebastian" I mumble so quietly it wouldn't be classed as a whisper, to exhausted to fight. I see him nod as we go down the corridors.

He opens the door without dropping me and walks over to the bed, he puts me down softly then looks at my wings.
"You will have to take them back." I slowly look at him.
"How?" I mumble sleepily hardly staying awake.
"The same way you changed, change your form." Easier said than done. "I...don't...thi-nk..I have...the energy." I whisper. He sighs.
"Fine but you will have to do it when you wake up." I nod-ish and start to fall unconscious but just before I do I hear him say something.
"I am one hell of a butler, but what does that make you I wonder." To weak I let sleep take me in its arms. The last thing I see is his fuzzy outline then nothing but darkness.

A/N: Finally we know what her back pains are if you didn't guess it :) Please Vote and Comment!........Next chapter she gets lessons on how to control her new found can't go that bad can it?......

How the Hell did this happen?! Black Butler fan ficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin