T h i r t y - f i v e

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Emely pov
I heard an alarm. I checked the time it was 6:30am. I heard the shower on. I got up from bed and went to the bathroom. Erick was taking a shower. I brushed my teeth. And got in the shower with erick slowly. He was singing while washing his hair. He had his eyes closed. I kissed his neck. He turned around and pushed me onto the cold wet bathroom wall. We started kissing. I tugging lightly on his wet hair. The water was showering us while we maked out. We finished showering and got out. Erick change into some sweats with a white shirt. I put on an addidas sweater and some black ripped jeans. I put on my vans and left my natural wavy hair. Outfit⬆. We got in the car and erick drove to his house. We got his suitcases and put them in the car. We drove to the LAX. We got to the airport and walked inside hand in hand. The squad was there. They called out ericks plane number. He got up and hugged me i hugged him back tighter. We let go and kiss. It wasn't like the other kisses we shared it was full of passion. I stopped and hugged him once more.

"Bye i love you emely we will face time later okay" he said and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too" i said.

He started walking untill he was out of my sight. I walked back to the car. I drove back home. I laid down and fell to sleep since i woke up early.

Erick pov
Im gonna miss emely. She the best she letting me follow my dreams. I love her soo much. Im thankful to have found her. Im nervous for my audition. And i can't wait to do what i love.Singing.

Short chapter but the following chapters will be better. And this story is coming to an end. ✨
-Emely ❤

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