T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Dr. Spencer Reid's POV

[February 5th, 2010]

I run through the twisting hallways, crashing into walls and tripping over piles of garbage on the floor in the pitch blackness. My heart feels like it is in my throat, my chest heaving in blind panic as cold sweat tickles the back of my neck.

I finally see a light source, and I sprint towards it with all of my might in a desperate attempt to save myself from the smothering darkness. Although the sliver of light seemed impossibly far away, it is right in front of me in a blink. My palms slam against the door, making it burst open as my feet carry me into a familiar gymnasium.

I immediately turn to leave, but the door refuses to budge as my sweaty hands grasp the handle. I take a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself, but the odious musk of death permeates the room. At their own accord, my legs begin to carry me and I begin to feel lightheaded. I find myself standing in the middle of the gym, looking up when a drop of hot liquid lands on my shoulder.

A scream forms in my throat when I gaze up upon the hanging bodies, but these are not the same ones from before. I lock eyes with the clouded irises of Derek Morgan as he limply swings from a rope, Penelope and Prentiss on either side. Breathing becomes more difficult when I see Rossi, Hotch, and JJ right behind them, their lifeless eyes all turned accusingly upon me.

I hear frantic footsteps in the hallway, slamming against the linoleum tiles and sending echoes bouncing off of the lockers lining the corridor. I close my eyes, jumping in fright when I discover myself to be lying on my side underneath the bleachers when they reopen.

The gym doors slam open along with the gasps of a frightened victim. I steady my own breathing, knowing that the UNSUB is soon to follow. Just as it had happened before, the sound of a whirring saw fills the hallway before the UNSUB enters the gym. The running footsteps of the victim near me, a small cry escaping their lips as they trip over their feet, falling directly in front of me.

A flash of orange is what first catches my eye and upon closer inspection, I identify the battered victim less than a foot away from me to be my Rosemary. She opens her eyes, a ruefully peaceful smile pulling at her cracked lips when she spots me.

"Save me." She whispers just before the spinning blade sinks into the side of her throat, severing her head from her body.

A broken sound escapes my lips before it escalates into a full-blown scream, the sobs immediately wracking through my body. The echoing sound immediately draws the UNSUB's attention to me, but I can pay attention to nothing other than the dead eyes of my love through my tear-blurred vision.

I feel hands on me and I immediately lash out until I hear the gentle voice of Rosemary calling my name, snapping me from the nightmare.

"Rose!" I gasp out, sitting up straight in the bed as my pajama shirt clings to my sweaty chest.

My eyes frantically scan the room before becoming calm when I see Rose holding my hand, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the bed. I sob and lunge to wrap her in my arms, burying my face against her chest as my hands tightly clutch the back of the shirt she is wearing.

"Shh," she hushes me, dragging her fingers gently through my hair. "It's okay, Spencer. It's over."

"No. There's no telling when or if the nightmares will ever stop," I shake, trying to steady my breathing as I realize Rosemary is alive, well, and safe in my arms. "You'll get tired of it... tired of dealing with me."

"Spencer, look at me," Rose instructs in a tone that makes me not hesitate in doing so. "I loved you as the man who could hardly bear to look me in the eye without blushing, I loved you as the man who always tried to come up with a plan when we were out in that cabin, I loved you as the man who snuck up behind me in the bookstore and gave me surprise kisses, and I love you now as the man who is far stronger than any of his coworkers give him credit for," my eyes well up with unshed tears as she speaks. "My love for you is truly unconditional, and I'll be by your side through your recovery for as long as you can stand me. I'm with you through it all: the good as well as the bad."

"You do realize that you'll never get rid of me if you always say things like that to me, right?" I whisper lovingly, brushing my lips against her hand.

"Then I guess that I'll just never stop."

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