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a/n: this fan art is amazing! credit to the artist (I can't quite make out the signature) they're amazing!


Rosemary Cooper's POV

[December 12th, 2009]

"Will you please hold still?" I huff, biting my lip and attempting to finish the drawing I had been trying to do of Spencer.

"I've got to get at least one thing done, Rose." Spencer quirks his lips.

I finish the last bit of my shading as I hear footsteps drawing up behind me in the crowded bullpen.

Morgan whistles before grabbing the sketchpad out of my hands when he sees that I have finished my work. "She makes you look good, Pretty Boy."

Spencer ignores Derek's teasing, reaching out for the book. It is handed to him after being tossed to Prentiss, and he looks down at it, blinking a few times as he looks over it.

"This is really great, Rosemary," Spencer admits, his cheeks tinting with a light shade of pink as he looks at the image of himself in his hands. "How'd you do that?"

I just shrug, looking down somewhat meekly as Spencer closes the journal, placing it gently down on his desk.

"Alright, here's the plan," Derek moves over, leaning against Spencer's desk. "You two, Prentiss, Garcia, and I are going for drinks tonight."

"I don't know, there's this novel that Rose and I were wanting to start reading tonight," Spencer spits out the first excuse not to go out, but I kind of do want to go. He reads my (what I thought was neutral) facial expression before adding "But, I suppose we could save it for another night."

I smile widely, making Spencer smile as well.

"Alright! Pretty Boy got some game, I see!" Derek cheers, making me laugh at Spencer expense.

Spencer blushes a light shade of pink as people begin to turn their heads to stare at us, which makes my laughter turn into hiccups. Derek pats my back as Spencer laughs at the unattractive sounds escaping my mouth as I laugh at my hiccups and then hiccup more.

Long story short: I'm a mess and I can't wait to spend time with my friends tonight.

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