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Dr. Spencer Reid's POV

[December 24th, 2009]

Rose and I arrive to Rossi's place, somehow managing to knock on the door despite our arms being loaded down with gifts. Rossi opens the door, and I don't even have to look around the pile of boxes and bags in my arms to know that he is smiling. He takes the pile of boxes from Rosemary's hands to alleviate her from the weight of them. She in turn grabs half of my load, sending me a quick wink before following Rossi out of the cold.

I can't help but stare as Rose shakes her hair to rid it of stray snowflakes, my eyes following the path of the tips of her hair as they sweep across her shoulders. I am almost able to stop myself from lowering my eyes, but I end up trailing my gaze down her back to her legs, admiring the toned muscles that are taught underneath her dark skinny jeans. The heels of her ankle-high boots clack quietly against the worn grey wood floor of Rossi's foyer, and her hips sway with each step she takes. If only her coat were just a little bit shorter...

"Pretty Boy!" I hear Derek exclaim, clapping his hands down on my shoulders from behind. I jump in surprise and look at him with a chagrined smile, knowing from the tone in his voice that I had been caught. "Watch your eyes, Kid. They'll end up hanging out of your head like your tongue was a couple seconds ago."

"Yeah, right," I roll my eyes as my cheeks warm and tint a light shade of pink. "My tongue wasn't hanging out."

"Yeah it was," Morgan teases, shaking me a bit. "And you were pantin' like a dog."

I shake my head and keep walking, ignoring Derek's playfully patronizing woofs and growls echoing from behind me. Any embarrassment from my encounter with Morgan dissipates when I enter the living room, seeing Rosemary being embraced warmly by Garcia and Prentiss.

The smile that is permanently on my face when I am near Rose reappears as I approach the tree under which everyone else has placed their parcels for the gift exchange. Garcia assists me in doing so before gathering me into her grip, squeezing me tightly. I return the hug, relaxing in her arms.

"Merry Christmas Eve, Spence." She smiles, ruffling my hair slightly.

"Merry Christmas Eve." I return, reaching up and attempting to smooth my hair back down into place.

I sit down on the couch, thanking Rossi as he hands me a glass of red wine. He sits down in an armchair near the hearth, closing his eyes blissfully as he is washed over by the warmth of the flames. Rosemary poises herself on the couch cushion beside me, not disengaging in conversation with Prentiss as she does so.

Her speech slightly falters when I affectionately trail my fingertips along her shoulders, helping her out of her coat and rising to hang it in coat closet, shedding my own as well.

The rest of the night entails to all of us laughing, smiling, and drinking just a modicum of too much alcohol. The fire warms me to the bone as Rose and I sit closely together, relishing in the heat of the flames and the warmth from each other as we listen to the cold wind howl outside, the swirling torrents of snow sweeping past the window like silent ghosts.

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