Coldwater x Ultra Magnus (Prime)

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Note: IM ALIVE! Yep not dead yet my lovely readers. I had a request (FINALLY) for Ultra Magnus and I took the opportunity to do it right away (sorry to those who are still waiting for one) this one is a LEMON! Lots of hot sex.... And bondage, VERY graphic and descriptive. If you don't like it don't read, you have been warned! To who ever requested this I forgot your name and I'm terribly sorry! I hope it was worth the wait though!

The commander had been off, these past few earth days, everyone had noticed. Even the humans would question him to see if he was alright. The only bots who didn't seem fazed by his sudden change was Coldwater, Optimus, and of course Ratchet who knew the medical reason for his strange behavior. Coldwater was highly amused by her mates predicament, and decided to have a little fun with it.

Ultra Magnus was in heat. Not only did he see this as completely undignified, but it was slagging hard to restrain himself from just tearing Coldwater's armor off and fragging her right in front of everyone! Growling quietly he stomped off, away from everyone. Not only did Ratchet put him on leave, but also advised him to try and 'Take care of it'. That was just even more of an invitation to frag HIS femme senseless, yes Coldwater was his mate, BUT he was more reformed than this! Magnus was vaguely aware of someone following him, but he paid no mind to it since almost everyone was gone. At least those with charges were, and thankfully they were all staying with the humans. Grumbling softly to himself, he opened the door to his quarters when everything went dark.

Coldwater had gotten Ratchet and Optimus to both agree on helping her with something. Once Ratchet found out what her plan was and, and as both a Doctor and a friend he agreed whole heartedly with her plan. He was so into it he even gave her the necessary tools for her little 'Treat' to Ultra Magnus, and special products for the after affects. So she went to work...

After following Magnus and knocking him out she had Ratchet and Optimus help her carry the mech to a set of living quarters in an abandoned part of the silo base. Not only would this provide more privacy but this entire section of the base was unknown to only Optimus, Ratchet and now Coldwater and Ultra Magnus. Optimus, who rarely showed his emotions cou don't help the small smirk that continued to stay on his dermas the entire time he was carrying Magnus. Setting the large mech on the berth he turned to Coldwater, the grin staying very noticeable "I've already disabled his comlink so he can neither receive nor send anything to anyone to help him out of this." Turning, he left the room to keep himself from laughing at his poor friend. Magnus was in for both pleasure and torture.

Ratchet shook his helm a small smirk as well "if you need anything just com me, yours is open to either myself or Optimus.... He should be waking up soon so good luck" he finished setting Magnus up comfortably, and left the room following Optimus. Hopefully this would help his heat and sustain it for a while.

Coldwater smirked softly as she set an array of things that she would need, like the spiked energon Ratchet gave her in case she ran low on energy and Magnus was still hot and ready. As well as a few necessities she brought along to make things a bit more interesting. Walking towards her mate she completely stripped him of his armor, leaving him in nothing but his Protoform. Right now she had him right where she wanted him, spread out before her, stripped of his armor and chained. She quite liked seeing him this way. He was always very stoic and 'By the book', she couldn't wait to make him lose control of that, and Yes the great Magnus was going to be Dominated by his mate, quite severely too.

It wasn't much longer until Coldwater could hear him waking up, taking a deep breath she relaxed her frame a bit stripping her own armor, and tossing them into a corner of the room 'This is for your own good' she said to herself, already feeling the heat and desire from her mates bonded side, though he dampened them.

As Magnus's optics slowly opened, he made a slight move, only to find himself unable to. It was all to quick before he became more aware and discovered his armor completely missing. Frantically he tried calling on his com link, but only received static, and nothingness. Coldwater finally came forward out of the dark, her Blue Optics having darkened in her lust, just the aroma of his heat was starting to kick start programs she didn't even know she had. Magnus stilled, his fans already roaring to life, seeing his femme so dark and lustful was driving his Heat wild. If he didn't expel this sooner or later his systems could overheat and cause him to crash mid battle. He couldn't let that happen, and become a burden on Optimus and the team. Gathering that information and finally processing what was going on he continued to struggle against his bonds. He was not about to be reduced into programming....... and begging.

"Well I see someone finally woke up" Coldwater said softly walking to the edge of the berth, in a very seductive manor. Oh Primus he was in for it now. Magus stilled for a second just watching her "Coldwater, release me" he said in his usual commanding tone.

"mmh... no...." She said before taking her digit and trailing it up the sensitive metal of his calf, then his knee, and inner thigh before completely removing her touch altogether. Magnus didn't even flinch, looks like she has a long night ahead of her of he was going to continue to be this way.

"Tonight I'm taking care of you, whether you like it or not Big guy~" she purred softly before pulling away from him and crawling onto the berth, each one of his legs on either side of her. She could feel the heat already radiating off of his body, which wasn't good.

"Coldwater, I do not want to do this... I-I could hurt you."

Coldwater finally realized what he was meaning now, why he defied his need to release. True this was the first heat cycle, in there relationship, and he was twice as big as her both in height and.... Well everything else, and every time they had interfaced, he was in control. Sure she topped every now and then but, the Heat cycles bring out the true animosity in mechs and femmes alike. Stunned and shocked slightly as to what he was admitting, she nuzzled the base of his throat earning a slight groan from him.

"I trust you" Coldwater said simply a small grin forming her lips. "But do you trust me?"

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