Shadowstorm X Megatron (Beast Wars)PART 1

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Note: YAY! My first Beast Wars request! I'm so sorry for the long wait, I've been kinda distracted as of lately. This one is dedicated to . I promise I will get to the other requests done but I have 2 of them almost finished right now. So please be patient with me. WARNING! Cursing both human and Cybertronian. If I would give this a title it would have to be called "Marked by a beast" SORRY ITS SHORT!

Earth..... It really should be called Dirt because that was all that was ever on this forsaken planet. Now Megatron was stuck on this Dirt planet, battling with the Maximals. The only consolation he had would have to be his mate ShadowStorm, who was currently looking as desirable as ever right about now. His optics roamed over her sleek but very curvy frame, her beast mode adding just the right amount to where if Megatron would put his servos on her hips they fit perfectly in his grasp.

"Like what you see?~" ShadowStorm purred softly walking up to her mate. She stood up to under his chin giving her perfect access to practically everything else except his lips.

"I always do~" he rumbled softly keeping his imposing stance, shoulders back and relaxed, with his servos clasped behind his back. A small grin formed on his lips as he looked down at the silver and red femme. Storm hummed softly letting her servos rest over his spark chamber then slowly gliding over his front, there bond was eagerly overwhelmed with want from her side, only for him to return it ten-fold. Megatron growled lustfully gripping her hips firmly.

"femme you are playing with fire" he growled his grin turning into a feral smirk his voice low and lust driven. Shadowstorm pushed forward through their bond, wanting to just drive him mad until he couldn't take it anymore. She was reminded though of who really was in charge, when he practically grazed over her spark in an affectionate manor. Storm couldn't help the small moan escape her lips, as she practically melted into his grasp, clinging to his upper arms to support her frame.

"Dinobot take the men and leave us. No one is allowed in here until I say so" Megatron growled his grip becoming a little harsher on her hips.

"Yes, M'lord" Dinobot said rolling his optics, making the rest of the team go off duty until tomorrow. Primus couldn't they take it to their berthroom? Apparently not.

Once everyone cleared the throne room/ control center he picked up his femme setting her on his lap, as he sat down on his throne. Storm now straddled his lap, panel to panel, her frame melding into his almost perfectly.

His simple touches were making her frame heat up quickly, has it really been that long since either of them have coupled? It must have because both were very needy and touchy so to speak. Storm wrapped her arms around his neck drawing the Warlord near and pressing her lips to his roughly. Fanged denta coming out to roughly seek out each other's mouth, biting, nipping and suckling. He loved marking her, he made sure it was visible so everyone knew she was HIS and off limits. Megatron was never gentle always rough, but painfully slow. He would surprise her every now and then with a gentle caress, or even a simple kiss infront of his soldiers, he's gone as far as say 'I love you' in front of everyone. He could care less what THEY think on the relationship he had with her. Some would say a sparkmate, is crippling and nothing but dead weight to men in arms. It was all a lie, from Megatron has been experiencing since the beginning of the war was nothing but strength coming off of his femme, she IS his reason to continue fighting for his life, she IS his rock, she IS...... Everything he ever needed.

ShadowStorm arched a bit in his grasp, his lips finding her neck and collar armor. His own sharpened denta grazing against the soft protoform that made up her being, exposing some of his older markings. He loved exploiting his marks on her, what he loved more was the fact she didn't get ride of them she kept them and actually loved having them. He was one of her weaknesses, simple touches in spots only Megatron knew would send her over the edge. Primus it was hard not to pounce on him every day, she guessed that's more of the beast in her talking than she was. Storm growled a bit grinding her heated panel onto his own.

"M'lord?" Dinobot commed his commander, already know he was going to get beaten for this.

Megatron snarled smashing his com "what is it Dinobot? I specifically ordered you not to bother me"

"Optimus Primal and his Maximals have been seen, it seems they found a decent Energon deposit" Dionobot said over the comlink.

Megatron growled a bit "I will be there shortly" he said hatefully. He didn't want to move but duty called. Lifting up his Queen effortlessly and setting her on her ped she smirked at her "when I return, I want to see nothing but your protoform" he commanded. ShadowStorm moaned softly at just the sheer dominance of this mech. It drove her insane. Nodding helplessly she watched him steal one last kiss from her before he left the command center assembling his Predacons. Let's just say Storm did what her king told her to do and he returned to a very wanting and needy femme on his berthroom.

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