Day two n also introducing characters

Start from the beginning

Two texts on my phone wtf?!

Hey sexy!

A message from boobear awww *plink*
From boobear
I'm outside your door come out!!!!

I rush downstairs after brushing my teeth and pulling my sleeves down, I got an apple for brekkie coz I can't be asked and I'm getting late hehe.

"Hey Hazza, how you been?! Haven't heard you since?!" He said exclaiming and giving me a tight hug, I kinda winced because the pain is kicking in now but it's fine it comes and goes.

"Hey boobear, maybe it's because you've been hanging with that girl ever since and started to make ME be the third wheel!" I exclaim, pouting with my arms crossed like a five year old.

"Awww, getting jelly my Bebe?!" He says playfully, and kisses my cheek, our shipping name is Larry ain't we just cute as fuck?!

"Shut up!" I say, chuckling, he puts me in a headlock and rubs my hair. God I frickin hate is so fucking much! We reach school really quickly. Just before Lou was about to open his mouth to say something, Ellie came up to Lou n kissed him! I felt really awkward being the third wheel again!
"Y'know what Lou!? You can forget the boys night!! Be with Ellie, we hardly hang out anymore! She is just more important now! Fuckin perfect!! It fuckin sucks being the fucking third wheel the whole fuckin time!!" I say with anger and hurt. I honestly don't know what came over me but seriously Lou was supposed to be my best friend and he's hanging out with his bitch! Well at least I felt good, I don't care if people were staring at me I'm just really upset, it's really good I got my blade with me, it's really handy! I run into the men's cubicle and lock myself in... Finally some peace and quiet... It took one slice on my left arm for all the blood oozing out of my skin, I loved every bit of it, I felt a rush of euphoria, it was amazing... I cut again and again, over and over the same wound making it deeper and deeper, digging it in to my skin. I am gonna stop before I hit a vein... Shit! It's all over the floor! I get heaps of tissue to cover the blood on the floor and clean it... I did the same to my arm... Kept it there for a while until the bell for home room had went. Great! I have to see Zayn again! I quickly finish up cleaning and put all the tissues in the toilet, flushing it all away almost like it never happened...

I walk to my home room class and see Zayn's smug and sexy smile, everyone else was just gawping at me. Why?! Oh because I fucking yelled at Lou. Nah I won't speak to him, at least not yet. Him having a girlfriend had restricted is getting closer... Being close friends...

Zayn comes up to me, great! That's all I needed right now! Note the sarcasm...
Get on with it then bad boy...
"Saw what you did, impressive curly! Respect bro!" He gives me a bro fist, I stand there awkwardly, not knowing what to do, I rush out the classroom, suddenly feeling guilty for some reason?

I go into the gents toilets and stare into the mirror, tears start to flow out of my green eyes, why? I quickly wash my face and see Zayn standing behind me in the mirror...

"What do you want?!" I say, wanting him to make it quick... You know it's just a stupid crush, they come and go, time to face up to my fears right?!

"Nothing, just..." He locks the door, ookaaaay?

He walks towards me, he'll probably hit me again, I'm ready for this!
He went for my arm, the one I cut, I wince at the pain not making him notice, I mean why would he care right?!
He hugged me?! He fucking hugged me his muscular body against my half built body ... Wtf is going on?!

Dating the bad boy (Boyxboy) (Zarry). *P R E Q U E L*Where stories live. Discover now