When I See You.

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Hearing a knock at the door, Stephen dreaded getting up to get it, for he know who it was.

"Wardell, it's been awhile." She smiled.

"Why are you here?"

"Honey, now don't be rude. That wasn't nice Steph, grow up." Sonya called out.

Letting Ayesha in and getting her settled, Stephen tried to go upstairs before his father stopped him.

"Where're you going son?"


"No you aren't. You're gonna go sit right there and talk to Ayesha."

"No the fu-," he stopped himself from cursing.

"No Dad, I'm not."

"You aren't gonna sit here and tell me what you aren't gonna do. Now go out there and sit down."

Wardell rolled his eyes like a child and his mother noticed it. She grabbed him by his ear and pulled him outside.

"Now Lord knows I didn't raise you like this. Cut the attitude, do you hear me? Stop acting like a little boy. Grow up, you're 28 years old, do you understand me?"


She griped his ear tighter.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Go in there and sit down."

She sighed. Growing tired of his actions, Sonya turned and looked at Dell.

"What are we going to do with him? I've never saw him act like that."

"He'll be okay honey."

Sydel came down the stairs and noticed Ayesha. She smiled and ran to give her a hug.

"Girl, I missed you! It's been so long since we've saw each other!"

"I know! I missed you too! How've you been?"

At first Stephen was going to be petty and listen to the conversation, but he decided against it. Seeing Seth come in from his peripheral vision, he sighed. He knew he was going to walk up to Ayesha and talk to her. Wardell didn't want anyone to talk to her if he wasn't going to.


"Aye, Ayesha! What's up?"

The trio left Stephen in the kitchen and went outside on the patio. Sonya stared at her son sitting alone. It broke her heart, but it also angered her.

"Didn't your father tell you to talk to her?"

"She's not saying anything to me!"

"Well I wouldn't talk to you either with your crappy attitude. You've got to speak to her sometime."

Tears began to form in his eyes.

"Do you know what she told me Mom? She swore on everything she loved and said that if I didn't choose her or Denise then I'd never hear from her. Then how come 4 days later she shows up at the door? Call me petty if you want mom, but I want nothing to do with her. Nothing at all. So you choose, either she goes, or I go."

Sonya glared at her son.

"I'm not choosing anything Wardell. You are in my house, you're gonna go by my rules. You do whatever I tell you to do and I told your rude ass to go outside and talk to her! I don't care what she said, I don't care what she did. Grow up and be the bigger person. Ayesha loves you and misses you. She told me over the phone that she wanted to see you so I took it upon myself to invite her over. So, be the sweetheart I know you can be and go outside."



"I'm not going out there! She doesn't love me, she doesn't care about me! She never did! If she cared for me, then why did she cheat on me? That's what put us in this mess! She should've never cheated! I loved Ayesha with all my heart Mom. I really did, she was my woman. Then she messed it up. I missed her at one point in time, but now, everytime I see her it makes me sick to my stomach. Do you want to know why? Because, there's going to be someone that comes in and takes my place. Someone that'll love her better than I did, someone who will treat her better than me. I can't live with that! It makes me sick to know that she can move on and I can't! Is it bad that every time I see a picture of her.. I have to sit there and hold back tears? I find that sad Momma. And that's why I don't want to be around her."

Ayesha stood there. She heard everything that he'd said. It broke her heart and she didn't know what to say or do.

"I-is that true Steph?" She asked.

His eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't feel like talking to you. I'm going home."

"Stephen, wait!" His mother called out.

Ignoring her calling after him, he grabbed his keys and went home.

Simple Things: Take Care Sequel. (Steph Curry)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin