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Feeling the morning breeze flow in through the window, Denise sat up and smiled. This was the first time her and Steph had finally done something like this and she was glad that they did. It meant the world to her.

This was just another step to them rebuilding their rocky relationship.

Feeling a pair of arms wrap around her waist, she chuckled.

"Good morning."

"Morning," She told him, smiling.

"So what do you want to do today? There's so much to go out and see... we could go hiking." She asked.

"Hiking? There's no where to hike out here babe."

"Okay, well I'm just throwing ideas out there." She smiled again.

He shook his head and laughed.

"We can do whatever you want baby."

She rolled her eyes and sighed. Denise wanted him to have a little fun as well.

"Why do you always say that? I lowkey-"

"Look babe, I'm serious. It's what you wanna do, I'm down. If you wanna chill here all day we can. As long as I'm with you, I'm fine."

They two had ran away to Santorini, Greece. They'd never been anywhere "exotic" and Greece was such a beautiful country.

"I say we just go explore this place. I mean, we're gonna be here for awhile, so why not?" Stephen suggested.

"Okay. I'm down."

"Alright, go grab your shoes and I'll see you outside."

Steph had something big planned for Denise. He was ready to take this to the next level. He knew it wasn't exactly the right time to propose, but the man couldn't wait. He was ready to give Denise the world and everything in it.

He laid a black dress on the bed. He was going to have to get Denise dressed up for tonight somehow. He had the whole day to plan it, but it was a matter of how he was going to plan it.

They walked around all day. Exploring different buildings, walking on the beach, and bonding.

"So Denise.."


"These past 2 years have been extremely stressful and crazy, from Ayesha cheating on me, meeting you, retiring, this whole thing with Bryson. I just wanna say I'm sorry for putting you through all this shit. I'll never hurt you again Denise. This time I'm serious about us and I'm not playing. I know I can be difficult, but I wanna be with you."

Her cheeks got hot and she looked down. Denise didn't know where all of this was coming from, but she can definitely tell Stephen meant each and every word he said.

"I wanna be with you too Stephen. I love you."

They had a moment and stared at each other for a few seconds.

"Well listen, right now I want you to go back to the hotel and put on your black dress that's laid out on the bed."

Denise stood there and thought for a moment, becoming confused.

"I don't have-"

"Just do it okay? You'll see it right when you walk in."

He smiled and watched as she made her way back to the hotel. As she did that, he hurried up to get everything set up.

Just as Denise finished putting her dress on and fixing her hair, she heard a strange sound coming from the hallway. Her heart dropped. She hated when stuff like this happened. Especially when Stephen wasn't there. Slowly stepping out of the bathroom, she inches toward the door and stood there.

"Hello?" She called out.

She watched as the door knob twisted left and right.

"Stephen, is that you?" She yelled.

The door flung open and Denise almost died.

"How in the hell did you find me? You're fucking psychotic man!"

It was Bryson. Denise would've never expected to see this man.

"I've had enough of your man Steph.. I've have enough of you acting like you don't love me no more..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2018 ⏰

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