Detective Shizuka's Boyfriend (OC from DarkMaster1117)

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(Back when the outbreak started)

In the city, people are running and panicking because the undead people are attacking and eating anyone they see and the dead are turning. A black car was driving through the streets fast. One is a almost thirty year old man, whose name is Touji Kamishiro and he is wearing a brown suit, brown pants, black suit shoes. His left hand was fully taped like a fist fighter would have it while his right hand swung by his side and the other is a twenty eight year old woman, whose name is Jun Mishima is wearing a white button down short sleeve shirt, black long dress pants and dress shoes and also have a bite wound on her lower back left leg. Her flesh was ripped off and she was holding the wound with her hand and still groaning in pain. Both of them are also detectives.

"Kuso, kuso, kuso! Kuso bā de fan to ima no machi o hitto! Seikō wa nani o okotte imasu!(Shit, shit, shit! Shit hit the fan at the bar and now the city! What the fuck is going?!)" Asked Mishima in Japanese.

"I-I don't know!" Said Touji in English.

"This is some weird shit! People eating people and dead people come back to life and eats people! A-Are they fucking zombies?"

"What the fuck do you think?"

"Also why the fuck are we even speaking English?!"

"Why the fuck are you not staying focus and calling back up?!"

"Can I at least know where the fuck we are going?"

"I'm getting my girlfriend out of the Fujimi High School! Tell out back up to meet us at the school and get ready to pick us up!"

Detective Mishima did what she told and started calling back in Japanese and was getting some static, gunfire, yelling and screaming. As they got near the school, a bus busted through the gates of the front entrance and drove away. When the car stopped, Touji got out of the car and pulled out his Smith & Wesson Model 37.

"Stay here while I go get Shizuka...and treat that wound." Detective Kamishiro ordered.

"Got it, partner." Said Detective Mishima. "Go get her."

Touji nodded and ran inside the school. He was yelling out Shizuka's name but had not heard any response, he shot and killed a couple of undead students and teachers in his way. As he got to the nurse room, he see a lot of dead bodies on the floor, none of them are Shizuka. He then noticed that, all of the medicines and medical kits were gone and realized that she was probably on that bus. He then got on his radio to contact Detective Mishima.

"Jun how are we doing for back up?" Detective Kamishiro asked.

"Sorry Touji. Bad news." Said Detective Shizuka. "Back up is not coming. They're too busy evacuating civilians out of the city to the airport and SAT are too busy holding those things off. You found your girlfriend yet?"

"Negative. I don't think she's here. She probably got out on that bus that just passed us."

"Alright le-...Ā, kuso! Kuso!(OH SHIT! SHIT!) AAAAAAAAAAH!

"Kuso! (FUCK!)"

Detective kamishiro started rushing out of the room and started heading towards outside after hearing Mishima screaming on the radio which she still is. When he got outside, he was shocked when he saw Detective Mishima being eaten alive by two undead people. One of the two undead people are chewing and tearing out Detective Mishima's breast. Mishima was bringing out tears while getting eaten.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Detective kamishiro while shooting at the undead people who are eating Detective Mishima.

"My name is Detective Touji kamishiro of the Japanese Police. When I was young, I never knew my parents, I don't know why they abandon me nor do I know what they look like. I was raised by my grandmother who was always nice to me and trying to be a better man. At age six, I found a girl name Shizuka Marikawa who was being picked on by bullies and I had to kick their asses. Shizuka was hurt but I gave her some bandages. When her friend Rika showed up, she thought I was the one who hurt her and she was about to kick my ass but Shizuka stopped her and explained everything. As we grew older, we were no longer friends, we are more than that now. After high school, she became a nurse and I became a detective. Sadly when I graduated high school, my grandmother had an heart attack and died in the ambulance. A piece of my happiness had died. Shizuka knows my pain and did everything she can to make me happy, which she successfully did. Now this is the most crazy part, one day when me and my partner, Detective Jun Mishima were off duty and decided to grab a beer, some guy walks in dripping blood out of his mouth. The bartender ask him to leave but there was no response. So a young bartender helper came to him and to ask him to leave again, the guy looked at him with blinded white eyes and then ripped his neck off with his teeth. Me, my partner and everyone in the room were disgusted. The civilians started panicking and ran out of the bar except for me and my partner. We aimed our pistols at him, telling him to get down on his knees. Which again gave no response and started walking towards us. We told him three times to stop and since he didn't listen, I shot him in the shoulder. But it didn't effect him and he was still walking towards us. I shot him again but this time I shot him in the stomach and that didn't even work to put him down. My partner tries to save me, but she got bit in the leg by the bartender helper. It was shocking that he's alive from that fatal wound on the neck. But she shot him in the head and killed him and then killed the guy on me by shooting him in the head also. We had no idea what the hell just happened. When we went outside, it was happening the same thing in the city. People kill or eat people and dead people comes back to life and eats people. Then I realized that I needed to go get Shizuka out of the school. She was probably in danger. As we got there, I alone searched the school to find her but she was nowhere to be found. I though maybe she got out. Then I went back to my partner to check on her because I heard screaming when she was telling me that there was no back up. When I got there, she was being eaten alive. I killed those things that were eating her. After that, she pulled out her gun and shot herself in the head. Her final words were "Go rescue Shizuka, Partner." I was sad that I just lost my partner who been with me since the academy. I snapped out of it and started to make a run for it. This city has gone to hell. I don't even know if it's happening only here...or everywhere. My only plan is find Shizuka,find any other survivors and get the fuck out of Japan."

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