Escaping From The Dead

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Few minutes later back at the school, the three friend were seated down and their backs on the wall. In order is Wesley, Takashi and Rei. Rei was very close to Takashi. Rei didn't want to sit next to Wesley because of what he did. Hisashi's body was covered by Wesley's school jacket. Wesley also has a tattoo on his right side of arm. Wesley was remembering the events that happened.


Come on Takashi, it for me. I want to stay myself...until the end.

Sorry Hisashi.

Wesley then came back to reality. He looked up to the sun and noticed that it's about to go down. He have this feeling that something bad is going to happen when it gets dark and he is also worried about the survivors in this school.

"We need to move." Said Wesley as he gets up off the floor.

"Who made you fucking leader?" Rei asked.

"Look, you two can stay here if you want...but I'm going to go look for any survivors and getting the fuck out of this school before it get dark."

Wesley starts to move the barricade out of the way. Takashi gave out a sigh and starts to help Wesley. Luckily none of those things have got up here yet. After they cleared everything out the way, Wesley was going to get his bat, but Rei hands him his bat.

"Let me make this clear to you." Said Rei. "I hate you and I will always hate you no matter what and you're not the fucking boss of me. Got it?"

Wesley was still showing a emotionless. He did understand what Rei told him. Wesley takes the bat and spoke to Rei.

"Got it." Said Wesley with a nod.

The three friend were now walking through the hallways, trying to find any survivors. All the hallways smelled like something had died for years. As they made it to a two way corner, to their right, all three of them see a creature eating a young teenage girl's guts while still alive. The girl have blonde short hair and green eyes. Wesley was shocked that this was happening to her. Wesley rush to the creature to attack it.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" Wesley shouted at the creature and got it's attention.

Wesley manage to get the creature, who was a student off the girl by hitting it in the jaw. The creature fell backwards and hit the ground. When it tries to get up, Wesley starts to hitting the creature repeatedly in the head with the bat.

"FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU!" yelled Wesley as he hits the undead creature multiple times in the head.

He then stops and was panting. He then looks at the girl. All of her guts were out of her stomach and she was gasping for air. Wesley went to the girl and grabbed her hand. Wesley knew that it was too late to save her. Takashi and Rei could only watch. All of their face were sad and surprised. Rei could only look away on to Takashi's shoulder.

"Eigo (English)?" Wesley asked the girl in Japanese.

The girl slowly shooked her head. Which mean she doesn't speak English. Wesley nodded and understand.

"Watashi wa... Anata ga anata no me o tojimasu shite kudasai (I want you to close your eyes...please)."

The dying girl nodded and closed her eyes and about to meet fate. She even smiled. That was a beautiful smile of a beautiful girl, which made Wesley shed tears out of his eyes. Wesley lifts his bat up and brought it down with a grunt. Splatted the head of the beautiful girl. Wesley was shivering and had to drop the bat. Wesley then have a feeling that he was about to vomit. He goes to the trash can that is near him and vomits inside it. Takashi came to him to see if he's alright.

Highschool of the Dead: The American StudentTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang