next time.

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Me and Louis decided to go out this weekend so we left our cell phones at home we ended getting back Sunday night. I wanted to call niall to see how he was but I just thought I would see him at school. I ended up falling asleep at Louis house and I mean it was all so go--..... ahem.. so the next morning we got up for school and I had to borrow some of Louis clothes. the way they got on was magnificent ... when we got to school we sat down and waited for niall to come in.

"I wonder where he is at. " Lou said.

"prob overslept you know how niall can be haha"

"yeah " after Lou was done talking the biggest smile came across his face. it was so cute. not to long the bell knocked me out of my daze in Lou's eyes.

"alright class. please note that one the news there was a encident where one of our fellow students did end up getting shot. but please don't worry they say that they have a person who seems to have done it in holding. so please don't worry."

after she said that I heard a few whispers when the teacher turned her back. four girls started talking and I started to get really worried.

"wasn't it niall who got shot?"

"yeah,and I heard that new kid found him on the ground for dead"

"really I heard that niall got shot to the head and lost all of his memory. "

"no they said that niall got shot in the chest and arm. I heard he cant barley stay alive because of all the blood loss."

I tried to look at Lou but not let him know I was. I was Afaird tell him what I heard but I really hoped it wasn't true. he was paying atttention to the work not noticing what everybody was saying about niall. then I noticed zayn wasn't here. I wonder where I heard that name before. was he with niall?


I had to walk Harry up this morning. He is so cute when he sleeps but when u try to wake him up is the struggle. I grabbed the blanket for dear life and didn't want to let go. I finially got ahold of the blanket and when he reached for it he fell right off the bed. he ended up laying there not reliezing what happened.

"morning baby" he made out. he was in nothing but--........ no seriously he was in nothing. he was laying on the ground still with one foot elevated on the bed.... I mean this fool was so butt naked he didn't even have any way to cover anything. I liked it....aye his is my boyfriend I can like him any way I want.

"are you joining me in the shower " I winked at him, before I new it Harry was up and pulling me in the bathroom

"I take that as a yes."

"of course !"

we both got in and it felt amazing... Harry was wrapped around me.. he was tall and I loved the feeling.. we both washed eachothers backs and I still remember the suds coming down on Harry's chest.DAMN.

we both got out and got ready for school. Harry forgot his clothes and was standing in the middle of my room in just a towel. I saw the water fall from his hair and I just wanted to help him dry it. I buttened my pants and threw my shirt I grabbed on the bed. I grabbed my extra towel and started to dry Harry's hair I stopped when I reliezed he was staring at me.

His eyes where emerald green brighter then normal. I found my self so close to his face. then I felt our lips touch. It was a soft kiss. I ended up dressing Harry. when he got his shirt on I wanted to rip it off and look at him shirtless all day.

when we got to school we waited to niall. I was hoping we could see him today and show him all the pica we took. but when he didn't show up I got worried zayn didn't either. I rembered what the teacher said but I mean it couldn't be niall? our niall.?

After school I could tell Harry has something on his mind and I noticed he kept asking people about niall.

"Harry please tell me .."


"was niall the one that tor shot " I felt my voice cracking

" no baby don't cry... its ok .."


"idk... I keep hearing different things. " different things? so niall was the one

"like wh-at"

"the one I heard the most was he got shot in his chest and his arm .. but I don't know there rumors baby dont worry. "

"lets check the hospital"

I started to walk to the car but Harry ran right in front of me and grabbed my shoulders lightly.

"...lets go by his house first ..ok " I could tell his eyes where just as scared as mine. niall is important to us .. he was the one that got us together... that's a differnet story though... we went by his house and Becca answered the door.

"is niall here..please.. " I could tell after I asked he wasn't.

"no baby... I'm sorry... "

"is he ok!" Harry snapped

"yes Harold he is.. he is at the hospital right now "

"what room?" he asked.

"room 248 "

After Becca told us the room we jetted in the car. it was silent most of the way there until I saw a tear fall down Harry cheek .. he was driving but I wiped it off. I could tell he was suprised.

"he ok baby" I told him, all he did was smile.. I could tell he was holding back what he could.. I didn't blame him... I wanted to cry to. I shed more tears then he did. is niall ok? when we got inside we both went to the front desk and she pointed us to the room.

As we went down the hallway I didn't want to open the door I was scared. I grabbed Harry's hand and we both opened the door. we were surprised to see zayn sitting next to niall fixing his covers. niall was sleeping and he looked drained.

"what happened." I ask I noticed his leg was elevated that's where he must have got shot. other then that he looked normal.. but he seemed in pain..

"I found him... with devin at the huge fountain near the frozen yogurt place on the outside of town. "

"with devin? why were they all the way out there "

"we wouldn't tell me what happened he is still shook up about the whole thing. and I heard about devin from niall.. I still confused why they were together. "

we all stared at niall.. he was sound asleep..

"they gave him medicine for the pain.." zayn said

Harry wouldn't talk much bore did I ... but we all stayed by his side until he was planning on waking up ....


I feel like Im doing terrible.. but I'm getting to the great part.. will they end up together? why is devin here again? WHO. IS. ERIC you'll find out soon promise :*

but please read my oneshot and foment what you think :3

but anyways until next time my honey buns :33

Xx Twin#1 Xx

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