Chapter 1

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What did I do to deserve this? I didn't kill a person! Is this how they repay me for all I did?
My name was Percy Jackson, but now I am no one. This is how it all started:

The second Giant war was finaly over! We had won the war,but sadly Jason and Piper died. At this moment we were at the ceremony where each will recieve a gift of thanks from the gods for contributing to the victory.
To be honest, it wasn't something any demigod was used to.

One by one the heroes of Olympus were praised and awarded their heart's desire.
Hazel's curse was lifted and Frank's also. Leo got the girl of his dreams, Calypso.
Now it was Annabeth's turn.
"Daughter, we will grant you one wish. What is it?" Athena asked.
Annabeth glanced at me, her grey eyes were stormy with anger.
She turned to her mother.
"I want to become your immortal daughter."
Her words shocked me. I thought she loved me. She knew that I would never accept immortality. Was she willing to live forever without me?
Something wasn't right.
Athena smiled at her daughter then she glared in my direction. Their unexpected anger confused me even more the fact that it seemed to be directed at me.
"Your wish shall be granted after the cetemony. Poseidon, call your son."

I bit my lower lip and took a deep breath.
My dad stood up from his throne and walked to me. His eyes were filled with disappointment and I could see his right hand twitch. My heart beat increased.

"Percy, you have been a great hero. A legend, but sadly it seems even the greatest, the bravest fall. I am sorry, my boy, but you are being charged with warcrime." Poseidon could not met my gaze.

I felt lightheaded.
"For what?"

Zeus stood up.
"Were it not for your actions then maybe my son, Jason, would still be alive! Your desire to always be the hero has brought too many sorrows into our lives and we've had enough of it! Let's vote on... NO! As a second thought since I am king, I herby sentence you to eternal punishment in Tartarus. Make him IMMORTAL!"

"NOOOOOO!" I cried out.

The Olympians started chanting. I ran to my father, hoping that he would save me.
But he was seated again, his voice joining the chorus of chants.

I could feel my mortality being stripped away and I screamed in pain. When it stopped I was on the groung with tears running over my cheeks.

"Please don't do this!" I turned to Annabeth who was sneering in disgust, "Annabeth, tell them I would not do such things." I begged.
I locked eyes with her and knew that I was doomed.
She looked away but not quickly enough for me to not see tears briming her eyes.
"He's guilty, Zeus."

My arms and feet were suddenly shackled. My eyes swept over the throne room in desperate need of help and saving or just someone willing to explain what was going on.
The other Olympians, even my friends, only send glares to me.

"Goodbye, Percy! May you rot in hell!" Zeus yelled as a crack appeared beneath me.

I didn't even scream as I fell. The only thing I did was to close my eyes and accept my fate, but I couldn't accept it. Time must have sped up, because the next moment I landed on the ground. If I was mortal I would have died. Unfortunately I was not.
A gasp was heard when I stood up. Standing in front of me was all the Titans, except for Bob, and other monsters.

"Time to play." Kronos laughed. Unable to run away I was at the mercy of every creature in Tartarus.

That's how I ended up here. The monsters chained me to a wall and each day they would "play" with me. At this moment it was Perses's turn.

"Little Percy Jackson, what do you want to do? Do you wanna get a few new marks?"

"Perses, do you wanna build a snowman? What do you think I want to get? I am sick of this place." My words made him laugh.

"Oh, little hero of Olympus! Your humor don't know where to stop. I think I'll play shoot the target today."
He took out his bow and arrows.
I flinched when I saw the arrows were made of fire. He shot one at me and it impaled me in the abdomen. I screamed in pain. He shoot me again and again. A strange feeling welled up inside of me - it wasn't pain but it burned my soul. I felt that exact feeling three days ago when Erebus had been torturing me and with every torture session it grew.
Another arrow bit into my skin. I wailed in pain. It went on like this for hours. Finally after what felt like an eternity he stopped and the arrows disappeared. Yet my scars stayed and the blood.
"Do you know how long you've been here?" He asked.
I shook my head.
"Tomorrow it will be exactly fifty years and so we have decided to gift you with someone special to celebrate the occasion."

Fifty years! How am I still sane? Am I sane? It felt nothing more than a year. Is he lying?
Many questions came to me, but I only asked one,"Who?"
Perses opened the door of my 'room'.


He was gone just like that.
Tartarus was going to torture me. I had to get out of here. I simply had no choice.

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