Chapter 16

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Tartarus and I watched each other. He was completely taken aback at my word...or so I took from his horrified expression. He got up from the floor and cleared his throat.

"Son, what are you saying? Are you hearing yourself right now?!"

I folded my arms over my chest. I was done playing the nice guy anymore.

"Am I wrong saying this? Am I wrong to want to do the same to the people who just keep on shattering my heart? Tell me, Father?"

"Revenge is the death of justice, Silas Ronan. You will gain nothing from this," Tartarus stated blatantly.

He too folded his arms over his chest and hardened his gaze.

"Why are you defending them?"

"I'm not. I'm trying to talk some sense into your brain. Silas Ronan," Tartarus placed his hand on my shoulder,"I know that you're hurting at this moment. I know that these people you can't seem to stop loving has hurt you for the second time. But I know that how you're acting now, is not who you are."

I could se the concern in my father's eyes and I wished that I could agree with him. But I was done. I was done with the gods.

"No, Father. You're deciding to be blind just...just like I was."


"Take a look at the world, Father, and what do you see. A human race misguided by selfish gods who only do things for their own gain. As rulers the Olympian gods should protect this world and they have failed time and time again."

I stopped to take a deep breath. My voice was clouded with emotion.

"They use people to do their dirty work and when it's done they discard these poeple who love them so much...and just move on to the next," my voice broke and I stopped speaking.

My father embraced me in a hug and held me tightly against his chest. I cried into his clothes.

"There now, let all of that pain out. Don't hold back, Silas Ronan," Tartatus whispered above me and his hand stroked my back.

My fists twisted his clothes and I screamed into his chest. Every negative emotion I ever felt because of the Olympians rushed out of me and tore me apart. My grip weaked and after a while I just lay against Tartarus who held me still.

When I finally pulled away I found Tartarus staring back at me with bloodshot eyes. He was crying too.

"Son, I beg to not take revenge on the gods, they-"

"They need to be removed, Father. Listen to me and what I am saying."

Tartarus sighed but gestured for me to continue.

"Although revenge might be one of my motives it is not the main reason I want to do this. Father, the time has come for the earth to receive new rulers. Just rulers who thinks about other people and not themselves," I stated.

It felt strange to have words like that roll off my tongue. Never did I ever imagine I would say that the gods - who used to be my family - have to be removed. I scolded myself for taking this long to realise that it was what needed to be done.

"You want to replace the gods with Erebus? A mad lunatic who kills what he wants whenever his wants AND who tortured you?" Tartarus asked and laughed.

He shook his head and wiped a tear away.
"Forgive me, Son, but that is another level of stupidity! I will mot allow this !"

"Then maybe you should refrain from jumping to conclusions."

Tartarus stoppes laughing and frowned at me. I smiled.

"Erebus is the last person I want to rule anything. No, the best rulers and the only ones I know would do what is right. Are you and me, Father," I announced proudly.

A small smile tugged at the edge of Tartarus's mouth. He nodded once and said, "I see your point and I must say that it doesn't sound bad at all...but to achieve this we have to defeat two armies. That's quite the war."

This time it was me who smiled.

"Don't worry, Father, I already have that planned out!"


"Back so soon?" Erebus grinned when I appeared in front of him.

"Silas R- TARTARUS!?" Erebus's face drained of colour.

His jaw crashed to the forst floor and he stared at the Pit in front of him.

"W..wh..hmmm," he cleared his throat and stood a bit straighter in an attempt to retrieve some of his dignity, "What are you doing here, Tartarus?"

My father smiled at me and then faced the unsuspecting loser in front of us.

"Silas Ronan and I want to join you against Olympus, Erebus."

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