Chapter 11

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I blinked really hard but to no avail. Now the dream made much more sense to me. Thea visisted me to weaken me in this fight.

"There's so many of them," Nico mumbled.

For immortals they looked pretty scared to me. Maybe they feared for the campers' lives. I didn't really care to be honest. This was just another fight I had to win for them once again.

I called Bron to me. I crouched in front of him and scratched him behind his ear.

"Listen to me, boy, my eyes aren't that great now. So, I'm going to need you to be my eyes. How's that sound?"

He licked my hand as an answer and I smiled. Something I rarely did.
Then I grabbed his hair and consumed him into me. I shuddered as more energy filled my body and my vision sharpened drastically.

"Oh my word! What did you just do??!!" Hazel cried behind me.

I found 5 very disgusted people when I turned around. I unseathed my sword and unfurled my dark wings. It felt amazing to free them at last.

"I merged with Bron to give me extra strength. Thank you for your concern but it isn't needed," I tried to reassure them.

The thud of feet on the ground drew our attention as the campers approached. They were battle ready indeed. All of them wore bronze breast plates and helmets. Everyone carried some type of weapon. The archers marched at the front.

At the sight of the half-bloods the monster army roared for blood. I looked between the two armies.

"Chiron, attack the monsters. I will deal with Helios," I said with a tone that left no room for objection.

"Who are you to give commands, huh?" Demetri spat.

"I'm the one who's going to save your arse."

I shot into the sky and darted towards the army. Below me the campers charged as well.

Helios raised his blazing sword and pointed it at me. A massive bolt of light shot from the blade. It pierced through the barrier and flew towards me.
I thrust out my empty hand and a sphere of darkness met the light bolt in the air. A massive explosion of darkness and light followed. I dove through the barrier and landed in front of my old torturer.

"Well, if it isn't daddy's little pet," Helios  hissed in his rusty voice. His pure white eyes bore into me. I did not back away.

"Do you miss hanging out with me, Helios? Or why are you here?" I taunted him back.

Helios squinted at me and nodded. He made a fist and pulled it to him. Something inside me stirred then started to tear from my body. I fell to my knees, fingers clawing at my chest. Brom appeared with a howl next to me. But disappeared when Helios snapped his fingers.

I looked up at him, my sight back to its poor state again. If I was correct, he was smiling.

"I just had to get rid of that mutt or else Thea wasted her time on you," Helios cackled.

"What did you do with him?" I struggled to my feet.

"Don't worry. The dog's with your daddy. You're playing with the big boys now! And believe me we want you badly!"

He gave a diabolical laugh and charged me.

It was much harder to fight without proper vision. I missed many of his strikes and barely escaped in time. Flashes of light blurred my vision even more until I could nearly see nothing.

"Not so tough now, Silas? Maybe a few days in chains could help you!"

I heard him move again but couldn't see him at all. His sword cut through the skin on my torso. I howled and stumbled away from him.

This wasn't working for me at all.

I stood with my hands on my knees. Blood gushed from the deep wound. I heard every drop fall on the found.

Drip. Drip.
And then the amount increased.

A thought formesd in my mind.
Instead of trying to see again, I closed my eyes and listened. I could hear the fighting around us. People screaming. Howls of monsters. Sword hammering on sword. Arrows flying through the air.

Helios charging me.

I heard his sword slash through the air. The heat from the titan betrayed his position. I ducked backwards and felt his sword move above my body. I jumped away when he struck again. Then I parried his next move. Our swords rang clear in my ears. I followed the sound of our weapons but also the vibrations under my feet.

Suddenly Helios couldn't land a blow on me. He tried and failed multiple times. It wasn't long before my sword drew blood as it slid across some body part of his. His howl answered my sword's bite.

"How are you doing this?" He cried.

I swung my sword again, a bit higher than before. He met my blade mid-air and pushed it away from him. But I immediately struck again. My sword bit into flesh and then went deeper and deeper. A smile formed on my lips.


A light so bright even I could see it flared from Helios. The heat was excruciating.

He was dying and going to kill us all with him.

"COVER YOUR EYES!" I roared to the campers.

I lifted my hands towards the light and darkness streamed from my body. It crawled towards Helios, slowly eating away the light. I hollered at the top of my lungs and the darkness completely enveloped Helios. The heat dissipated. A cheer rose from all around me and I knew we were victorious.

I lowered myself to my knees and felt around for my sword. I couldn't see a single thing. My fingers curled around the pommel. I sat down and looked up at the sky.

Only darkness.

Am I completely blind?

Someone grabbed my shoulder. I jumped up and held out my fist.

"Who goes there?"

"Wow, Silas, the fight's over. You killed Helios," the voice said cheerfully.

I lowered my hand and felt around for my sword belt to put my sword away in. I turned towards the sound of the person's breathing.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You can't be serious?" He laughed. "It's me, Frank. I suppose I am a bit covered in sweat and a few scratches. But I still look the same."

"I-I can't see," I mumbled.

Frank exclaimed when I staggered forward. He caught me before I could fall.

"What - oh my word, your chest!" He called out.

I pushed myself away from him but he grabbed my  arm. I couldn't pull myself free.

"We need a some help here. Silas Ronan is injured!"

"Don't worry," I said, "my wound will heal as soon as I get some rest."

But he chose to ignore me and helped me across the barrier to the infirmary.

Although I wouldn't admit it, I was grateful for his help.

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