Trigger Warning

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                      "Trigger Warning"
Am I the only one who feels like rolling up my sleeves requires a trigger warning? Like the world's deriding Me for being everything that it's not... I wonder when they will see I don't do SHIT for attention, if attention's what I wanted I can think of tons of other ways to it; None of which involve a bloodstream down my arm, and an empty, broken-down heart. What's the point of even having a soul when the world around you will just go and make it all cold?
I mean COME ON,
Just look around you, it's not like society's trying to hide it. People everyday act like they couldn't care less, and wonder why girls like me are majorly depressed (is that feminism? Shit.), or Why people dread having to leave their bed, and have become so terrified of their own head. Where is our society going? None of us know for sure..but what I can tell you with all the certainty in the world is, it's going nowhere good; FAST.

One Last Day in This LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora