Chapter 31: Steph Meets Her Long-Lost Mother

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Day 11 of Doomsday (10:00 pm)

It happened really fast. When Travis and Connor barge into the infirmary telling that the camp is being attacked everyone in the room started shuffling and shouting orders. Annabeth was yelling something about war positions, Percy followed her, Jason flew out and Piper grabbed her dagger and run out. Paige, Austin, Zac, and Maddie followed them. I was about to run and follow them grabbing my compact mirror as I go but Nico grabbed my wrist. "Oh no you're not going." He pulls me back. "Leo guard her!" Nico shouts as he shadow travelled.

"Don't move." Leo warned walking up to me.

"I'm going."

"Oh no you won't."

"Try me." I side stepped and tried to avoid him but Leo being Leo jump right in front of me.

"You know we could do this all night."

"Leo move." I glare at him.

"Steph, your knee is bleeding and you have a glass stuck in your foot." he reminds me.

"I still can fight with a broken leg and a bleeding head Leo."

"No you can't"

We can hear a distant explosion then the next thing I can hear is a huge creature walking down towards our direction. Leo walks to the door. "Oh gods." He cursed something in Greek. "What is it?" I said walking towards him.

"Stay there." He grabbed my hands and pulled me to the nearest bed. Leo pulls something from his tool belt. "I'm just protecting you. So don't get mad at me for doing this." When I looked down at my hand it was already handcuffed.

"Are you kidding me?" I almost shouted, almost. "Leo get me out of here."

"I'm sorry Steph. I'm really sorry."

He runs to the doors and before I knew it he was gone. He fought that creature alone and I'm just here standing with my hands cuffed shouting his name calling and calling him stupid. Remind me to never be alone with Leo in a room.


10 minutes later or yelling, doing nothing and hearing the battle cry of everyone, the short Gaelic battle finally ended and I wasn't even there to witness it. Instead I was stuck here sitting in this bed. 5 minutes ago I have given up doing mind control to the hand cuffed to untie me but I was too tired to even to one simple mind command. The loud cries of Leo faded 3 minutes ago and I couldn't help myself to blame myself for all of this. Maybe I should have died in the tub, maybe I should have not left the old house.

Percy and Annabeth came in. Percy got a huge bruise on his cheeks. He looks like steroid boosted football player hit him right in the cheeks. Annabeth had a scratch mark in his arms like a dozen cats had attacked her. All in all they both look like world-winning wrestlers. "Steph?" Percy said looking at me. "Why are you tied up?"

"Leo's idea of protecting me. Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's fine. I saw him shooting fireballs at a huge cat monster." Percy wince as he tries to touch his bruised eyeballs.

"You need to call him. I can't move unless he unties me." I wiggle my wrist but that seems to make the handcuff even tighter.

"I'll call him." Annabeth walks out of the room.

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