Chapter One

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"Hey lo, what are you doing tonight?" Camila says with an eager face

So you see Camila has always had this crush on Lauren, never told her but Lauren notices

"Nothing why?"

"Well.... I was thinking maybe you could come with me to this club tonight" she says while shifting her weight from side to side

"Sure! I've been waiting forever to wear my new black dress, well I hope it's black" she pondered on the situation for a minute until the banana lover wacked her on the arm

the raven said a small sorry before scurrying off into her room to get ready

After finishing her last touches on her eyes, Lauren hears Camila warn her about the small amount of time she has before the cab leaves, having already been waiting outside for five extra minutes since arrival because Lauren smudged her makeup when applying eyeliner.

"How do I look?" Lauren questions while fluttering her eyes.
(Sorry I know her eyes aren't her original color but it's the only one I could find, they are her normal color in this story just ignore that)

Although Lauren can't particularly  see her eye color she knows they are ethereal due to the fact that she gets countless of compliments about them all the time

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Although Lauren can't particularly  see her eye color she knows they are ethereal due to the fact that she gets countless of compliments about them all the time

"You look.... Great" Camila couldn't find the exact word to describe how Lauren looked at the moment but knows she knew what she meant by her reaction

"Speak of yourself camz! Look at you" Camila covers her face but quickly moves her hands to make sure she doesn't smudge her own makeup

"Ready to go?"
"More then ready" they latch arms and walk their way into the cab.

"Ready to go?""More then ready" they latch arms and walk their way into the cab

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|what they are wearing^|

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|what they are wearing^|

Arriving at the club Camila immediately takes Lauren's hand feeling intimidated by all the men and a few women staring at them.

Lauren smirks and just guides them into the building up to the bar "two tequila shots please"

A couple shots later, Camila and Lauren are already feeling goofy and start to dance on the dance floor, not to close to be intimate but close enough to the point where they could bump into each other once in a while

Lauren makes a terrible joke about the man over in the corner who's been watching them once they started dancing, that he was watching Camila

"l-lo he's watching us b-because he's the security guard" Her stuttering comes in while she tries to cover her laughter but fails terribly after when Lauren just shrugs about him and starts laughing with her

"I-I have to go peewee, I'll be back"
"Don't take to long our song might come on" Lauren hollers as she watches Camila stumble into the bathroom with a fit of giggles

The raven continues dancing until she sees something move fast across the room in her vision, her mood immediately falters into a serious one as the alcohol subsides due to the fact Lauren just saw something she can't explain

Her eyes scan the room when she spots it again at the counter of the bar table. "Is that..... Hair?" she wondered. Needing a closer look she makes her way across the club, mumbling a few apologies as she pushes her way through the crowd.

Lauren realizes it is hair and..... color??

She stumbles a bit when the girl with blonde hair looks her way, seeing her lips the color of something dark and her skin looking softer then the clouds. Lauren looks away instantly, realizing that she was checking the girl out. Only to be met with more colors, slowly spreading across the room and the people and objects slowing changing color too.

By the time Camila finds Lauren she's staring at a vase. "lo? What are you doing"

"Camila, what color is this" questioning her weird behavior she slowly let's her eyes travel to the vase in front of the green eyed girl

"It seems to be blue, with black sparkles maybe, why" dumb question Camila thought, she's color blind

"Because I can see it" Lauren turns toward Camila and immediately becomes intrigued by the jewelry on her neck "what color is this?"

Camila doesn't say anything until she see's Lauren looking up at her still crouched a bit so she could get a better view of the necklace "it-its gold" She stutters still stunned that Lauren can see colors

Something or someone catches Lauren's eye from behind Camila and moves her so she can look toward the mysterious women

"She's the one, she's the first color I saw"


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