The guy was pretty tall and well built. His hair short, messy, and brown. He spoke, his voice cold and deep. "I'm glad I finally have the pleasure of meeting you. my name is Adam. I'm the Alpha of the Greenwood pack."

"What do you want from us?" I mumbled.

"What do I want from you two? Oh nothing, I just want something from you. I know who and what you are. Your powers could make us the most powerful pack in the world."

"Power isn't everything, let us go."

"I don't think so. We'll be taking you and your little friend with us."

I felt panicked when he said he was taking Tiffany as well. I didn't want anything to happen to her or the baby. I tried to cast some sort of spell to help us. I couldn't quite figure out why nothing was happening. My spells were completely failing.

"Don't even try casting your spells. The rope is infused with witches bane. Good thing you haven't shifted yet, or you'd be quite a problem." He motioned to his men to grab us.

I was hauled to my feet, and I fought it every step of the way. "Wait." I breathed out, having an idea.

Adam turned toward me, looking annoyed. "What is it? Make it quick. We have a lot of ground to cover."

"Let Tiffany go. If you don't I'll fight you every step of the way. If you let her go.. I'll go peacefully. It's not her you want anyways. I'm the one you want."

Adam raised his eyebrow at me. He was very quiet, pondering my words. "Fine, cut her loose." He pointed at Tiffany.

They took the silver shackles off of her. She gave me a sad look, and I knew she wasn't going to let us just walk away. Suddenly one of them punched her, knocking her out cold. I gasped, trying to run over to her side. The guy that had me stopped me, holding me still.

"You hit her!" I cried, worrying for her.

"You saw the look in her eyes. She would've come after us. This is the only way, now quit crying about it." Adam walked on, the guards following behind him.

I was pushed onward, if I slowed they would shove me forward. We walked for awhile, my feet tiring. We stopped for a small break, they tied me to a pole in the corner. I noticed no one was watching so I started slicing the ropes against a sharp part. The rope slipped off my wrists, and I glanced around to see if anyone had noticed.

They were too busy laughing and talking to notice me. I quietly got up and sprinted off into the forest. I could hear them yelling and shouting. They noticed that I had run off. My legs ran as fast as I possibly could. I put up some walls of ice behind me to slow them down. I was coming up to a large tree when a fist shot out and hit me in the head. I fell to the ground, barely conscious. The last thing I saw before I passed out was Adam reaching toward me.

Tanner's PoV

I was so damn happy. Last night had been one of the funnest nights of my entire life. I felt like I was walking on air. Annoyance filled me when Aaron mind-linked me that there was pack business to attend to. I wrote her a little note, and sat it down on the table next to her. She looked so beautiful when she slept, like an angel.

I crept quietly out the door and headed to my office. Aaron was waiting for me and I sat down in my office chair. "What do you have for me?" I asked, placing my hands on the desk.

"Some information has come forward about the missing girl Annie. An anonymous source came forward and said it wasn't rogues."

"It wasn't rogues? Who could it have been then?"

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