Chapter 5

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John and Sherlock was around the campfire with the group. Sherlock in his mind palace, while john was roasting marshmallows around the campfire with the others. The stars were easier to spot in the open landscape they were in.
John looked at Sherlock and it gave him butterflies seeing his detective move his head in thinking.
"Sherlock it's time to go bed now" he calmly told him distracting him from his mind palace. He then touched his shoulder. It then gave them an electric shock.
"Ok" he told me, and we both left for the tent together. They both arrived at the tent and laid down with their faces smiling at each other.
"I'm freezing!" John shivered in between his blankets and rubbed his arms to get warmth.
"Uhh... You can borrow my covers if you like?" Sherlock then scooted closer to john and placed the cover securely around his body.
"Night john" he said.
Night Sherlock" John replied.

They both woke up with their bodies entangled to each other. Earning Sherlock to blush for the first time.
"Wake up! Rise and shine!" Sean shouted at each tent.
Everyone woke up in a daze.
Sherlock and John were now going to solve this case once and for all!
John and Sherlock both planned when they would follow Samuel Hunter for evidence.

Later through the day john and Sherlock saw Samuel head more towards the housing at the back of the field. John told Sherlock it was time to see if he was the man behind all the killings. So they followed.
"Sherlock he don't seem that fishy to me?" Sherlock looked at John and answered.
"How do you know?" Right on Que. you could hear gunshots in the distance. Sherlock and John both ran fast towards the noise and as if it was a habit they held hands running to the noise.
"Amy?" Sherlock questioned the girl holding the gun.
"Hello Sherlock Holmes!" The gun was pointing at Samuel as he lay dead on the floor, motionless.
"Is this the blonde behind that counter with two cats?" Asked John.
"Yes I am" her evil grin spreads across her face. Lights shine through the building. She aimed the gun at Sherlock. That's where john couldn't take it no longer.
"SHERLOCK!" He shouted and ran towards him to hug him.
"Ohh so your the john he keeps mentioning?" Amy then pointed the gun towards me.
"How about Sherlock can see you die in front of him? Hum? Then his love for you he would surely be heartbroken!" Sherlock couldn't take it no more. Tears sprouted from his eyes.
"Not my john!" His tears came down his cheeks as their hands rapped around each other.
The door then burst open with flashing lights and the sound of sirens. Sherlock wiped his tears.
"Right on time Lestrade!" He greeted him through the door.
"Yes sadly Samuel is dead, good news the murderer is in here. Turns out she was the one doing the sign ups!"  Sherlock sniffled out. Lestrade pinned her down and one of his men grabbed the gun from her hands that now were shaking.
"Let's get back to the camp! We have figured out another successful case my dear Watson" Sherlock breathed out looking at John. John reached for his hand.
"We sure have Sherlock!" And they walked back to camp.

As they arrived back. Two men were questioning Amy on why she tried to do it, but found nothing.
"Let me try George!" Sherlock shoved Greg out the way.
"Sherlock... It's Greg I don't know where you got George from" he smiled at his detective.
"Nope I think it's George!" Their shameless flirting made Greg speak.
"Would you two mind not flirting on a case thank you!" He spoke up. Earning a few awkward looks from his men.
"Ok I will question her!" Sherlock and John approached the handcuffed lady.
"So why did you do it then? Sooner or later we will find out so speak up!" She grumbled curse words then spoke.
"Fine fine, when I worked for Moriarty's network I was pretty much the slave of the family. They would force me to do things I never wanted to do. I'm sorry I was the one who held the laser guns to John's body, when he was strapped with bombs. I caused most of the crimes Moriarty did, he never liked his hands dirty ever! So when he shot himself I was free. I went on a killing spree, killing all who forced me to do stuff to try over power me and Samuel was one of the worst! I wanted him to burn! So I killed out his mates one by one!" She told Sherlock with tears streaming down her face.
"Well that's that then Sherlock! I think the camp is waiting for us?" John and Sherlock arrived at their tent.
"It's been a long day I think we should get some rest Sherlock?" John told him sleepy.
"Ok then" Sherlock and John were both cold that night. Sherlock ended up rapping his arms around his blogger. John's arms around Sherlock as they both shared a warm embrace.
"I don't know what I would of done if I lost my blogger" he squeezed john. His eyes opened and stared out at John's.
Sherlock looked down at John's lips. John did the same. Their mouths were less than a millimetre away until their lips touched.

"I love you john" Sherlock rapped him closer.

"I love you too" John shared the same feeling.

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