Chapter 3

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Ugh! Stupid clock! Stop waking me up! I looked at it and it read 5:15.

I groggily pulled off my covers and made my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and groaned. I still had my clothes and some makeup on from yesterday.

Why is it called beauty sleep if I wake up looking like I got run over by a truck.

I splashed cold water on my face, and got off the excess mascara from my eyes. I then ripped my dirty clothes off and turned the hot shower on, humming as I did so.

I stepped in, grabbed my body wash.. and well, you know, cleaned my body and conditioned my hair with scented shampoo. I also sang a little because, let's face it, almost everyone sings in the shower.

When I finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and got out to blow-dry my hair, then I straightened it. I applied mascara and some Chapstick to my already red-colored lips, placed a beige headband in my hair, and went to my closet to get one of my new uniforms from a box that Iris had stopped by and dropped off at my door yesterday.

It was a beige shirt with a white ruffled collar unbuttoned to show off some cleavage, but not too much. It went along with a dark, comfy skirt with boy shorts sewn on the inside, so if any wind picked up from the door being opened, my underwear wouldn't show. Knowing me, that would happen somehow. That would also be embarrassing..

I looked back to the clock, 5:35.

It was a good 10-15 minute walk to work, so I'll make it in time. I would fly, but I don't want the city to see Supergirl just yet. I put on some black flats, grabbed my purse, and made my way downstairs.

Grabbing my keys, I stepped outside to lock the front door before placing them in my purse.

I looked around, the sunlight barely peeking over the horizon, as I trudged along the sidewalk reluctantly. Hopefully, when I make myself some coffee, I'll wake up a bit more.

I'm surprised I remember the way to work. I thought I'd get lost and end up at the dump instead of Jitters.

Since I have some more time, I'm going to think about last night.

I can't help but get butterflies in my stomach. He's not like the rest of the guys I'm used to seeing. He's actually a gentleman and a really sweet guy! Plus, he's smart and handsome, which makes me even more attracted to him.

Attracted? Hmm. Nah, I think he's just trying to be a good friend. Besides, he wouldn't ever think of me that way anyways because I see the way he looks at Iris. I also don't want him to be put in danger if an enemy of mine finds out I have a soft spot.

So many things are weighing down my possibilities of actually liking him. I just can't afford to, so I'm pushing those feelings to the back of my mind where they would be safe.

I tried to open the doors to Jitters, but they wouldn't open! The lights were also dark inside. I checked my phone for timing. 5:43. I'm early.. and still extremely tired.

I saw a bench. I'm making that my temporary bed for the next 17 minutes.

I sprawled out, using my purse as a pillow, and drifted back off to sleep.


"Kara.." Someone said, shaking me. Maybe if I ignore the person, they'll go away.

"KARA!" They screamed.

"I'm up I'm up! You didn't need to yell!" I said, plugging my ears. Super hearing doesn't always come in handy. I looked back at Iris and Barry, still not fully awake.

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