Chapter Five: The Best Kept Secret

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"Where are we going?" I asked.

He stepped in front of me making us stop walking. "Skylar, you're new. I know next to nothing about you, but I need to know two things. First of all can you do what you say you can?"

"My power? Yeah, not the most useful thing but yeah I can go into people's dreams," I replied.

"How does it work?" he asked.

"Not sure exactly. It started happening when I was a kid, I would go to sleep and have bizarre dreams with my mom or the kids in my house, Caden every once in a while, but anyway I'd wake up more tired than I was before I went to sleep. It took me about a month to figure out that I had been not only seeing their dreams, but I was in the dreams, controlling them if the person had let me. What's the second thing you need to know?"

"If I can trust you. Skylar you're about to find out the best kept secret in the entire country, only a few people here know this secret. The reason you're being told is because I think you can help in a way that no one else can," he said.

"Corin, silvers killed my best friend. If I wasn't loyal before, I am definitely loyal now," I replied. He nodded and lead me through the place, stopping at a door with a man in front of it. The first thing I noticed was that he was a silver. His hair was short and dark brown, his eyes were almost the color of black.

"He's on our side," Corin whispered to me before we got to him. "Troy, what's going on in there?"

"You know same old thing. Ignace refuses to leave and Claire and Asher come every couple of hours to check up on her and who the hell is that?" he said.

"Sorry bad introductions. Skylar Lucian meet Troy Alain," Corin said.

"Alain as in-"

"The royal family yeah, don't worry I'm with the rebels completely. My boyfriend got me to switch sides that day in the arena," Troy explained. "Corin, they aren't going to be happy about you bringing a stranger in."

"He can help at least I think he can, if you want your explanation come into the room," Corin said before opening the door. I followed him in and Troy came in behind me. There was a girl with dark red hair lying in a bed with stuff hooked up to her along with three other people. The only other girl in the room had long white hair, her eyes were red near the iris but gold on the rest, she was a bronze. The other bronze in the room was a boy, his hair was short and light purple with dark green eyes, there was a scar on his left cheek that went over his jawline. The last person in the room was a silver, he had brown hair that was about an inch shorter than mine and teal colored eyes.

"Hey Corin, who the heck did you bring in here?" the girl who was awake asked.

"Guys this is Skylar Lucian. Skylar this is Claire Rune, Asher Ache, and Ignace Al-Josue," Corin introduced.

"Great, who is he?" Asher asked.

"Ignace- I thought you looked familiar you were the prince in the arena with Rose," I said before Corin could explain. Ignace looked up at me, he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Not a prince anymore, a rebel. Corin you better have a damn good reason why you would bring a new kid in here," Asher said.

"I think Skylar can help Rose," Corin said and everyone looked at me while I looked at the girl who was in the bed.

"That's Rose Loera," I said. "But she died."

"No, we got her and Ignace out. Rose has been in a coma ever since though," Claire said to me. "So how can you help?"

"Um I can go into people's dreams, manipulate the dream, even communicate with the dreamer. But I don't know how I could help a coma patient," I replied.

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