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Kayla's POV
After breakfast all the guys got into their swimming stuff and got in the pool. I wasn't planning on getting in but they all wouldn't stop bugging me. I went back upstairs and got changing into my bvb bikini.

I went downstairs and out the back of the Vila to the pool. Ash was swimming around in it, Jinxx was in a rubber ring in the pool and Andy was sitting on the side dangling his legs in the water. CC and Jake were sitting on sun beds chatting.

"Hey Kaz" Jake called to me. I walked over to him and CC.

"Hey guys" I said back. I slipped off my flip flops and laid out on the sun bed next to the one Jake and CC were sitting on.

"Nice shades" CC complemented.

"Thanks, love the shorts" I put my shades on the top of my head and winked at him, then returned them to my face. He was wearing Family Guy ones of course.

"Thanks dudet" I laughed at the 'dudet' part.

"I think someone likes what he sees" Jake said wiggling his eyebrows at me, then looking over to Andy who had been looking at us but changed his gaze when he saw us looking at him.

"Yeah right" I replied sarcastically laying down on the sun-bed.

"How are things with An-" CC stopped when he realised what he's said. He gave me a oops sorry look.

"It's fine. To be honest I think everyone knows by now" I sighed as I enjoyed the hotness of the sun on my skin.

"Oh my god, spill it!" Jake said grinning at me.

"There's nothin to spill" I replied turning my head towards them both.

"Oh really how'd you sleep then?" Jakey asked with a smirk on his face.

"Good" I said shutting my eyes and laying my head straight.

"Sure about that miss? Andy seems in a weird mood this morning" CC asked picking his phone up of the bed and doing something on it.

"Well...he kinda, sorta...asked me out" I told them. I opened my eyes and sat back up, to look at there happy but shocked expressions.

"OMFG what did you say?!" Jake asked excitedly.

"Uh...well I didn't say no, but I didn't say yes" Their happy expressions fell a little.

"So are you together then?" Jake asked looking confused.

"No, but basically he's gonna give me the rest of this week to think about it, then we're going on a date on Monday and he'll ask me out again" I told them looking over to Andy, Jinxx and Ash in the pool.

"But why didn't you say yes? I thought you liked him?" CC asked locking his phone and placing it back down.

"I just...I don't know, I like him but I just don't know if I want to be in a relationship and we nearly kissed" Both of their jaw's nearly snapped off.

"Nearly?" Jake questioned turning my attention from Andy's body to Jake and CC's face's.

"We were about to but Jinxx needed to waz so obviously we had to let him use our toilet, then tried again but Ash interrupted and he nearly saw us" I told them like we were 15 year old girl's at a sleepover gossiping over guys.

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