Chapter 1

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"This is your heart, can you feel it? Can you feel it?" Dan sang to the crowd. "Pumps through your veins, can you feel it? Can you feel it?"

Bastille were performing a gig right in the heart of London. The crowd were jumping and singing along to the music.

"If you had your gun would you shoot it-"


The lights snapped off causing them to stop playing. Everyone looked around confused until dozens of black figures stood, silhouetted on the highest stands in the arena. With a terrible screeching sound, they dived onto the audience spilling blood which was visible despite the darkness.

"Shit," Kyle said, backing away as some of the audience got up on stage, trying to get away from the creatures.

"We've got to get out of here," Will told them, just as some of the security men came to take them to the back exit.

"What about everyone else who's getting slaughtered out there?" Dan asked, clearly wanting to save them.

"We can't help everyone, mate," Kyle said, "they can follow us out."

"Hurry!" a security guy shouted.

"My drums!" Woody called.

"Leave them," Will said, dragging him by the wrist, "vampires aren't into that stuff."

The cold night air hit them as got through the fire exit, backstage. They were followed by streams of fans running out to find somewhere safe.

"Save yourselves!" a hysterical Stormer shouted as she ran away, "please!"

"If we wait till everyone's out, we can shut them in," Dan instructed the others.

"Stop trying to be the hero, Dan," Woody said, "we need to go!"

He just ignored him, waiting for people to come out. One last person sprinted away.

"Hello!" Dan called inside, checking they were the last.

The stench of blood was all that was left. Or that was what they thought. A man stood in the shadows, bent over.

"Do you need help?" Dan called but the figure stood up sharply.

The man ran, full speed, towards them. Just before they slammed it shut they caught a glimpse of dripping, red fangs bared towards them.

"Pull this bin over!" Will called to them while Dan lent against the door.

The big metal bin on wheels was pushed in front of it stopping the creature's escape.

"You nearly got us killed!" Kyle shouted at Dan.

He clearly looked shaken after their fright.

"What now?" asked Woody.

"I reckon we drive the hell away from here," Kyle said.

"Would help if we had a car," Will pointed out, "the security people are long gone."

"Wait," Dan said with a mischievous smile, "we do."

He had led them a few blocks away to a group of garages in an alleyway. He went over to one and pulled up the white shutter door to reveal a car-shaped lump under some tarpaulin.

"It's not locked?" Will asked.

"Nope," he replied, "no one ever knows their here."

They walked inside, flipping on the light switch. Dan grabbed the sheet, pulling it off with a flourish. The Buick Rivera 1972 gleamed at them.

"We still have this?" Woody said, clearly amazed. "Bagsey driving!"

He jumped into the left driver's seat like an overexcited puppy. He turned the key, making the beast of a car roar into life.

"Jump in!"

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