The hospital visit

Start from the beginning

Anna told us that she would go let nialls family know where he was .I told her not to wait up because I was staying the night with niall so was Liam....

The night was long the doctors said he should be up by morning but I didn't want to go to sleep.. I wanted to stay awake when his eyes opened.. but me and Liam both feel asleep around three in the morning.. the hospital was quiet and it was difficult to stay awake.. I woke up later that day to hear Liam coming back in the room with some coffee in his hands. I checked the clock and reliezed it was only six in the morning.

"hey.. " Liam said handing me a cup of coffee.

"morning Liam..." I brought the cup to my lips and ended up burning my tongue. I could hear Liam giggle from across the room.. I joined him. we both stooped when we saw niall move. I saw his face turn to me and his eyes started to open.

"za-yn.. lia-m" I noticed he was looking at Liam them me. " where am I, what happened."

when he said that my heart dropped... he doesn't remember again... I wanted to leave and be alone but I didn't want him to see me upset..

"you got hurt and I found you and devin at the park. "

"devin... Omg is he ok?"

"yeah they said his body temperature came down really low but he is ok"

niall looked at me like he about to say something but didn't. Liam came beside me and put his arm around me.. niall just looked away. why? there was a silence and niall saw his leg.. it was wrapped up in a false fast right now. I could tell he was blank and didn't know what to say ... I lost him again... why...



"niall please come down! don't move ur leg it'll bleed more."

I could feel my heart beating and I was looking for zayn. they place me back on the table when I saw zayn... with liam... zayn doesn't remember me... he would have said it back.. or would he have? they place me back on the table and gave me a fast shot.

my vision started to daze and I couldn't feel my left leg where I had been shot. I looked over and zayn and he was in Liams arms.. maybe they really are together... I tried reaching for them but my vision went out and everything black.

"he wont remember ... your such a fool.. "

"idiot you really think he would ever love you "


that's all I kept hearing... everything was black and they wouldn't stop.. it kept going for awhile but then it stopped...I wanted to go home and see Becca .. and Liam and zayn... zayn...

I miss him... but he wont remember me.. I heard giggleing. I started to hear it more and more.. when I woke up.

"za-yn ..lia-m" I saw them both. I looked at Liam and I notied he brought zayn some coffee. "where am I, what happened?"

zayn didn't seem to look any different when I asked.. he explained to me and I asked about devin... I wonder where he is.. I saw liam get up and out his arm around zayn... maybe I was right... I was staring at zayn but he didn't say anything... he just stared back at me..

I looked down at my leg. it was in a false cast just there.. it felt weak and I couldn't barley move any of my body for that matter... I went down to touch my cast but I found it easier said then done.

"hey I'm going to tell someone ur awake" I looked up to wed Liam talking. he was leaving the room and I just watched him as the door shut behind him. I want to say something to zayn... I can ask him about it but how do I ask him about something like this...


"NIALL" I look up to see my mom rushing through the door.


"Omg niall are you ok!" she came over and gave me a hug


"yes niall"

"I cant-- bre-athe.." she had let go really fast and looked at zayn.

"you must be zayn "

"yes I am ." there was a silence after that and then Liam walked in. before I knew it my mom was hugging zayn. I could tell he didn't know what to do because he didn't know if he should hug her back or not. it was kinda cute.

"thank- you zayn... for finding him...thank you.." after she said that he hugged her back.

"its ok, your welcome"

I stayed there and watched them and saw Liam lean against the wall behind them.

"the doctor says you need to stay for a few more days. I already called the school and explained. my mom and zayn stopped and she gave me a kiss on my forhead... I looked at zayn and felt like crying... he wasn't looking at me he was looking at Liam.. they were right he would never love me.. my aunt gave me another hug and I thought about how I lost zayn again.... why..


YEAH I KNOW THIS CHAPTER SUCKED .-. but I hoped you guys enjoyed this. I'm really hoping you guys like this story because a lot more is going to happen.

please go and read my ziall oneshot! ! :D and I hope u guys like it

I promise ill upload more I have been really busy with school and practice and try outs for the theater play but I'm trying to upload more! I have a four day weekend coming :D be prepared!!!!!!

but anyways until next Time my comrades

Xx Twin#1 Xx

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