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"...Ruby, I hope I see... I've waited all this week... walk my way... capture me..." a soft voice awakens me from a deep and dreamless sleep.  I open my eyes and am met with blinding light.  This can't be the end... No.  It's not.  I blink rapidly and a ravenette figure fades into view.  He ceases his singing and removes an earbud once he notices that I'm awake. He smiles and strokes the side of my face lightly.  I push my cheek further into his hand and mock-purr, causing him to laugh a little. 

"That song again?" I croak, disgusted at the bumpiness of my voice.  Sasuke shrugs and takes out his other headphone.

"I can't help it.  I'm obsessed," he admits, flashing me a pained grin.  The average Joe would see the beaming raven and not suspect a thing, but I can see right through his false optimism.  Watching him try so hard to be cheery, to joke around like it's nothing, makes me want to claw my own eyes out.

"You know," I begin, my voice still raspy as hell, "You don't have to fake it for me."  He sighs and shakes his head. 

"Don't talk like that.  I'll help you through this and you'll come out the other end good as new, no sweat," he assures me, a fake smile still plastered on his face.  I'm not really listening.  I'm focusing on his enigmatic onyx eyes, his thick charcoal lashes, the way his nose tilts up at the end slightly.  I want to take everything in now so I'll have it later.  I want to remember everything about him. Sasuke sees me studying him and bites his lip, clearly anxious to change the subject. The silence goes on as I continue to memorize his face. To my surprise and sorrow, tears begin to well up in his obsidian eyes. No, Sasuke, don't cry. I don't know if I can handle it if you...

A few iridescent teardrops spill over and inch their way down his alabaster face.  He sniffs and wipes at his watery charcoal eyes before smiling weakly at me. I bite my lip to keep from bawling as he says, "You're my angel, you know."

I blink back the stinging tears in my eyes. "Am I?" I whisper as he twirls my mussed blonde locks around his fingers.

"Y-You are," he confirms shakily. "You're going t-to be okay. I love you."

"I love you too, but..." I sigh and try to find another way to word what I'm about to ask. "I need you t-to- give it to m-me straight. No sugarcoating. No f-false h-hope." Sasuke draws in a breath swiftly. 

"T-They didn't tell me much.  When y-you were out th-they took some more tests.  Th-the results'll be in s-soon," he stutters.  Suddenly, the door opens wide and in walks Dr. Sarutobi, his face grim. 

"Could I steal Sasuke for a moment?" He questions, his expression laced with sorrow.

"I-I want to know," I manage.  "Please, just tell the both of us now."

"I didn't want to be the bearer of bad news," he begins.  "But I'm afraid your tests results are grave." Sasuke's face falls.

"Does he e-even have a sh-shot?" Sasuke asks anxiously.

"If he does, it's one in a million," the doctor states.

"HE IS ONE IN A MILLION!" Sasuke shouts.  Tears well up in my eyes at his determination to keep me alive, but let's face it-good spirits don't do shit when you have a snowball's chance in hell at pulling through.  My distraught raven continues to argue with Dr. Sarutobi, who is giving his regrets and attempting to explain my condition.  Sasuke declares his clarification as bullshit and goes on to rant and rave about the poor treatment of patients at Konoha International. 

*COMPLETED* don't let go (sasunaru)Where stories live. Discover now